Screwdriv'ify Your Knife

Calling this one an 'instructable' would be kind of rude, and featuring it almost an insult.
But, since there's no category called 'five-minute-projects' I decided to publish it anyway - maybe it can be helpful for someone somewhere sometime.
In fact, this howto is just a modification of a knife handle. No more than that.
If that discription doesn't set you on fire you can skip here & now and wait sleepless my next real instructable, which will definitely be worth the name and will wake up the fire within you. For sure.
In fact, this 'thing I did in 5 minutes' was not more than a small pleasure to make my workin' days 5% more efficient - which is quite a whole lot of percents, in fact.
Being more efficient means wasting less time and wasting less time means making a lot more money.
Deep inside us, we're all kapitalists anyway.
From Worksite to Worksite

If you're a worksite nomad like me then maybe this mod can be something for you.
You know, in my professional life I always carry a knife. And a pocket torch, a marker, a credit card & two ripe bananas. Standard equipment, ready to go.
The knife in question is a Hultafors 'plumbers knife' - featured with a small file I always use never. It's a small inox fixed razorsharp blade that's designed to perform. And it's cheap, which is always a pleasure - 8 euro IS quite cheap.
But, often I always need a screwdriver, also.
So instead of putting another tool in my pockets - or switching to a Leatherman - I thought it might be a nice idea to integrate a bit-holder in the handle of my knife.
'If it's an advantage I'll discover it' I thought.
'If it's not the world won't stop turning anyway' my mind added.
Needs: knife & screw bit holder
5 Minutes

Clamp the knife & drill a first hole (diam. 6mm) in the handle.
Notice that you can't do this with every knife. Some are full tang and so impossible to modify the way I did.
Great plus of the Hultafors knives: they all are half tang, which means that half of the handle is filled with steel & the other half to be filled. Unintentional open source, I like that.
When the drill touches the tang you can stop drilling. Switch to a 8mm drill and drill only 20mm in the 6mm tunnel. What you've got: a big hole that reduces into a smaller hole, aka a negative image of the screw bit holder.
Last hole: a 2mm escape hole all the way through the handle.
Fill the hole generous with glue and smash the bit holder in its cavity. The glue will act as lubrifiant and the excess will escape by the two sideholes.
Let it cure a day. Tell your clients to wait & use that useful time to do some paperwork.
Worksite nomads never sleep.
Back to Work Again

This mod is definitely not the best screwdriver in town, but for small occasional stuff it's definitely worth the money.
Combine it with a small bit case - fits easily in your pocket, but don't store it with those bananas - and you've got a micro screw survival team for almost nothing.
Like I said, not a real instructable.
But useful anyway, I guess.