Scratch Makey-Makey Whack-A-Mole

by huangvin in Circuits > Computers

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Scratch Makey-Makey Whack-A-Mole


Makey-Makey Whack a Mole! A simple, fun, and educational game that can be made with materials everyone has at home.


- Cardboard shoe box

- Aluminum foil or copper tape

- Popsicle sticks

- Makey Makey Invention Kit

- Duct tape

- Spray paint (optional)

Cut Holes in Cardboard Box


Cut three rectangles in top of cardboard box. I chose to use rectangular holes, however you can choose whichever shape you prefer. These will serve as the "moles" for your whack-a-mole game. Make sure to leave sufficient space between each box. If you cut the boxes too close together, you will compromise the box's overall structural integrity and create the possibility that the "whacking" will do actual damage. Further, the electronics underneath the holes will require space to prevent them from touching each other and thus transmitting incorrect electronic signals. About 1-1.5 inches of space between each hole should be sufficient.

Use an X-Acto knife or any other sharp blade for the actual cutting process. Make your cuts/edges as straight and clean as possible, to keep the box's strength and also to make subsequent steps easier. Try to avoid using scissors, because they do not leave clean cuts in cardboard, and will also do a lot of damage to the material surrounding each hole.

Fold Aluminum Foil Strips

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Fold three strips of aluminum foil, which will be taped under the rectangles. For each strip, first obtain large piece of flat aluminum foil, and fold it such that there are many layers to each strip. Sizing these strips correctly is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. You will be taping these strips under the holes cut in the previous step, so make sure that they are big enough to tape. However, you MUST ensure that each strip can fit under their respective hole WITHOUT TOUCHING another. If they are, they will incorrectly conduct electronic signals across all holes, resulting in incorrect functioning. In this scenario, hitting one "mole" may transmit result in all "moles" being hit at once due to the signal being transmitted to other "moles".

Tape Strips Under Holes


Use duct tape to secure the aluminum foils under the holes. As previously written, you MUST ensure that these strips ARE NOT touching. Use duct tape to surround the entire border, however make sure you DO NOT cover the entirety of the bottom. You will need to attach the Makey-Makey alligator clips here. Make sure the strips are very securely attached, as otherwise striking or whacking the "moles" may cause them to move out of place.

Cut Hole for Makey-Makey Cable


Cut a hole in the side of the box for the Makey-Makey cable to exit to plug in. Although this step may seen purely aesthetic, without it there will be no way for the actual game to function. Prior to cutting, set up the Makey Makey so that you know where and in which direction the cable will be exiting. Make sure to use an X-Acto knife or other sharp blade, as only a small and clean hole is needed. You do not want to cause unnecessary damage to the structure of the box with a scissor or other dull blade.

Make the Ground/hammer


Wrap a popsicle stick in copper tape or aluminum foil, and attach the ground cable. This will serve as the "hammer" for the Makey Makey, as it will complete the circuit when it touches the foil strips. Create multiple layers of tape or foil around the popsicle stick, and ensure the fit is very snug/secure. However, you must also make sure that the overall width of your "hammer" is narrow enough that an alligator clip may securely grab onto it. Attach the clip to the base of the hammer, so it is easier to "swing" and "whack" the actual moles.

Spray Paint Box

Tape over all the aluminum foil (will not work if covered in paint) and spray paint the box. Let sit for 12-24 hours. MAKE SURE TO REMOVE MAKEY-MAKEY AND ALL OTHER ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS FROM BOX BEFORE PAINTING. Otherwise, excess paint that enters the box will cause irreparable damage to the expensive and fragile kit. Use paper towels or any other material to FULLY COVER the aluminum foil, because paint will stop them from being able to conduct electricity and thus transmit signals. However, try to avoid using tape or any other adhesive material, because it may damage the foil when removed.

Connect Makey Makey to Whack Targets


Tear a small section from the bottom of each multi-layered aluminum foil strip, and secure the Makey-Makey alligator clip to it. Ensure that the clip is very securely attached, and connect the other end to the Makey-Makey. The LEFT HOLE will be wired to the LEFT ARROW, the CENTER HOLE to the UP ARROW, and the RIGHT HOLE to the RIGHT ARROW. Put the Makey Makey in the middle of the box. It is unnecessary to tape the Makey Makey down, as the box will not be moving very much. Furthermore, tape may damage the delicate edges of the wiring board.

Coding the "Moles"

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Pick three sprites of your choice to serve as your "moles". Create a "home screen", and a "game screen" Make sure your "moles" hide when the Home Screen is shown, and re-appear when switching to the Game Screen. Code the moles to go to a certain location, wait 0.5 seconds, and begin a forever loop where they randomly travel up and down to be "whacked" at a set interval of time.

Next, make it so that when each corresponding arrow is pressed, the "mole" will change costume to represent it being "whacked", emit a sound, and change the score by 1. Repeat this to create all three of your "moles", as shown in the picture above.

Step 9: Coding the Start Button


Coding the start button is very simple. Create your design for the start button, and simply set it such that when clicked, it changes the background from "Home Screen" to "Game Screen" and hides. Also make it so that when the green flag is clicked, the game will automatically revert to the Home Screen.

Step 10: Hide the Moles


Create three boxes or any design and place them in front of your moles. This way, the player of the game will not be able to see what mole is coming up, and the game will be more demanding on their reaction time, and fun!.

Step 11: Enjoy!

This game is a very simple and easy-to-make Whack-A-Mole game, and can be made from easily available household materials. However, the programming behind it is very educational, as it will introduce a maker to the basics of computer programming, including "if", "when", and "loop" statements. I was able to complete the game with materials found around my home, for the total cost of 0$. If made by small children, an adult may want to handle the spray-painting or omit the step entirely, as it serves a purely aesthetic purpose and can be dangerous for children. Any computer capable of running Scratch will be sufficient, and the system requirements are practically nonexistent.