Sanderson Sisters and Billy Grave

by robinrenee54321 in Craft > Parties & Weddings

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Sanderson Sisters and Billy Grave

Sanderson Sisters Prop.jpg

It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus. I made this prop as a Halloween Decoration at a friends restaurant


Tools needed: Glue gun, hammer, drill or screwdriver, skill or hack saw

The Sisters

Broom Decor.png
Sanderson Sisters lit up.jpeg

 Using Hot Glue and E6000 glue two bowls rim to rim to form a head. Repeat two more times to create all three heads. Set aside overnight for dry time

 Place stair tread on floor.

 Using skill or hack saw cut both 2x4x8 in half to create 4 2x4x4 (you will have one piece for a future project)

 Measure stair tread and place the three 2x4x4 at even intervals across the stair tread.

 Attach each of the 2x4 using 4 L brackets per board by screwing the brackets to the stair tread and the 2x4in a lateral position 1 per side. Repeat to attach the other two 2x4 avoid a straight line by angling Sarah and Winifred slightly inward.

 Invert each of the remaining 3 bowls and carefully nail them centered onto the tops of each 2x4 post to form shoulders.

Once the heads have dried overnight

 Open 1 pkg of the yellow tube ribbon and arrange onto one of the glued heads to make Sarah. Glue in place leaving long strands parted up the middle of the head, open the second pkg and glue it on Sarah’s head to fill in. Cut any loops with Scissors.

 Open 1 pkg of the black tube ribbon and arrange on one of the glued heads to make Mary. Glue in place swirling the ribbon around the head. Open the second package of black ribbon and form into the upward bunch and use nylon hair ties to keep in place then glue the bunch to the front left of the head on top of the ribbon from the 1st package.

 Open 1 pkg of the orange tube ribbon and arrange on the last glued head to make Winifred. Glue in place forming swirl around head. Open the second package and form the two buns for the front of Winifred’s head using nylon hair ties to keep in place. Glue to front of head on top of the 1st pkg.

Using e6000 and hot glue combination glue the head unto the “shoulders” that are nailed to the posts. I lined mine up to be Sarah on left, Mary in the middle and Winnie on the right.

Attach your Blue/Purple cloth on an angle to Sarah by forming the cloak around the shoulders and pinning in place with safety pins, leaving a corner of the cloth to pull up onto her hair and pin in place to form a faux hood.

Attach your red cloth on an angle to Mary by forming the cloak around the shoulders and pinning in place with safety pins, leaving a corner of the cloth to pull up onto her hair and pinning in place to form a faux hood.

Attach your green cloth on an angle to Winnie by forming the cloak around the shoulders and pinning in place with safety pins leaving a corner of the cloth to pull up onto her hair and pinning in place to form a faux hood and pin around

The sides of the head to form her Queen look. Safety pin the front of the cloaks where needed to conceal the wooden stands.

I used shorter fabric on Mary so that my Hocus Pocus sign could attach to her stand and be seen without any fabric covering it.

Remove any stickers from the Hocus Pocus sign and attach the sign to Mary’s post using a screw and the twine hanger on the back of the sign

Remove any stickers from the broom handle. Remove the Hula skirt from the packaging, fold it in half at the waist then begin winding it around the broom handle about 4 inches from the bottom, Hot glue into place. Using scissors cut the excess off the Hula Skirt at the point it resembles the size broom you want. Hot glue the Witch is in sign to the broom handle just under half way and add some Halloween floral balls using hot glue to the back of the sign for added decoration

Using a drill and drill bit carefully drill a hole in the back of each of the sisters heads (you will need to unpin the faux hoods and re-pin once done) large enough to push in light strands for lighting the display. Begin attaching the 120v light strand into the holes you just drilled making sure you have enough at the beginning side to plug the light strand into an outlet.

Attach the broom handle to the light strand using a zip tie to secure.

Billy's Grave


Headstone: For the top of the headstone take two matching dollar tree headstones and glue them with e6000 face to face to create a solid black front and back. set aside to dry.  For the bottom headstone measure the side of the headstone from the bottom to the top of where you would like to connect in the top set. Cut 2 pieces of   foam board 1’wide and to the length you want to connect the two stones. Using e6000, glue the foam board to the face of one of the bottom headstones one on each side. Once dry, glue the other headstone face in, onto the foam board to create a larger bottom headstone. Open the spackling package and using your fingers smear the spackling onto the headstones lightly covering them and swirling your fingers pressing firmly. As you work the spackling the black coloring will pull up slightly giving the headstones a marbled appearance. Set aside to dry. On waxed paper draw the stick bones in marker, write out the year, William Butcherson, May 1st,  and the word died.  Using your Glue Gun trace and fill the items you just wrote out in marker. Once the glue letters are dry, paint them using black chalk paint. Paint the back of the wooden skull black and glue it in place on the top headstone, glue the bones below the skull. Glue William Butcherson below the bones. Glue the year onto the top of the bottom headstone, below that glue the word died, then glue May 1st below that.   


Glue the top headstone to the bottom headstone utilizing the foam board you inserted and glue to the inside of the bottom headstones to secure.  I took a piece of scrap shipping foam and rubbed it down with spackelding to create texture; once dry I mixed black and cream paint and painted it. I then attached the tombstones to the packaging material and glued the headstones to a piece of scrap board I had on hand.


Billy Grave:  Cut a piece of shelf liner large enough to cover your small wire basket, place your basket upside down on a flat surface, insert skeleton hands through the wire basket opening and zip tie to the basket. Hot glue the shelf liner to the Basket covering all sides and the basket opening, lay flat upside down. Glue peat moss onto the shelf liner on all sides and top of the covered basket. Glue finished basket onto the scrap board in front of the Headstone and cover scrap board by gluing peat moss around the grave hands. Cat: Spackle behind the eyes and nose of the cat plaque and the holes where the hanger was, once spackled is dry, paint cat with black chalk paint, Eyes with green acrylic paint and nose with rust paint. Glue to the packaging Styrofoam.



Book: Peel the top and bottom layer of your paper towels apart. Tear one of the paper towel sheets into smaller sections with rough edges. Apply mod podge to sections of hardback book and press paper towel sheets onto the mod podged sections of the book crimping slightly to create skin. Cover entire book front back and book spine. Set aside overnight to dry.   Once dry mod podge over the entire book and let that dry.  Paint the book using the brown paint, while the paint dries create the snake for the front edge of the book: take several pieces of floral wire cut down to fit the book top to bottom. Twist the wire together forming snake body and curve the wire as you go. Once happy with shape cover with pieces of paper towel using mod podge. Paint the snake body with the brown and tan paint and glue onto the front left of the book. Add the Eyeball from the floral arrangement to the right center on the front of the book.  Apply paper towel and mod podge to create an eye socket around the eye you glued on.  Using several pieces of floral wire form an oval/round latch and cover with paper towel and mod podge then glue to the book making sure the eye is centered inside the latch. Paint the eye socket, latch and highlight sections of the book with the tan paint.  Dry brush sections of the book and snake with black paint where needed. Apply a final coat of Mod Podge over the entire book including the eye. 


  Hook 6 zip ties together and run through center of closed book and hook to Winifred’s post, arrange cloak around book so it looks like she is holding it.