Salamander Pendant

I made this pendant using the "Dusky Salamander" as a model. It's made from a section of 3/16" steel dowel rod and a paper clip. I had a good time making it. The rod is available at any home improvement store.
Turn the Dowel

Chuck the section of dowel into a drill press. The one I’m using is an 8” press laid on it’s side.
Spin the dowel and shave down the desired profile with a file.
Make sure it cools off before you touch it.
Spin the dowel and shave down the desired profile with a file.
Make sure it cools off before you touch it.
Hammer Out the Body

Use a torch to heat up the body. Hammer the head side flat. Since a salamander has a tail made for swimming turn the body 90 degrees before you hammer the tail section. See the pictures.
During this step use pliers to bend the body the way you want it, but first use a sanding attachement to rough out the shape.
Make sure not to touch hot metal until it cools down.
During this step use pliers to bend the body the way you want it, but first use a sanding attachement to rough out the shape.
Make sure not to touch hot metal until it cools down.
Refine the Shape

Use rotary tools to shape the body.
To further refine it use a set of hobby files.
To further refine it use a set of hobby files.
Make the Arms and Legs

Cut two sections of paper clip. Bend them into the desired shape for arms and legs. Use vise grips to flatten out the feet.
Solder and Polish

Cut two grooves on the belly side of the body. Make sure they fit the paper clip limbs. Apply soldering flux to the grooves and limbs. Solder the limbs in place.
Use progressively finer sand paper to polish the salamander. I start with 400 grit, then move on to 1000, 2000, and finally polishing compound on a polishing wheel. The jump ring is also made from a paper clip.
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Use progressively finer sand paper to polish the salamander. I start with 400 grit, then move on to 1000, 2000, and finally polishing compound on a polishing wheel. The jump ring is also made from a paper clip.
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