STM32 Black Pill | Using HAL Programming to Use I2C LCD
by Maitali sharma in Circuits > Microcontrollers
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STM32 Black Pill | Using HAL Programming to Use I2C LCD

In this tutorial, we'll use an STM32 Black Pill to program an I²C LCD on STM32CubeIDE using HAL programming.
- STM32 Black Pill
- 16*2 I²C LCD
- Laptop or desktop
- USB-C cable
- Few jumper wires
- STM32CubeIDE
- STM32CubeProgrammer
Project Creation
- Create a new STM32 project from File > New > STM32 Project
- Select the appropriate board.
Pinout Selection

- Configure your board's clock.
- Save using Ctrl + S.

- We will bootload STM using USB, this tutorial does not use ST-Link.
- Next, press on "Open file" and select the .elf file from the project folder.
- Press on "Download".
- Go to "Erasing and Programming" from the menu in the left.
- Go to file path and select the .elf file and press "Start automatic mode".
- Once compiled, disconnect and reconnect the STM board.