by Designs By Gregg in Outside > Sports

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How might we make children's sporting equipment cheaper, fun and straight forward to make? My name is Gregg and i am a product designer based in Brighton, sporting equipment is expensive and hard for some family's to get, so i have designed a process of making sporting equipment that is fun, cheap and simple. Children will be able to learn and make using instructions, the sporting equipment can be made with quick trip to the local hardware store (B&Q) and use of a 3d Printer.

Sporting equipment is getting increasingly expensive, while sport participations is dropping. I set myself the task to see if i could do anything about it, through some research and experiences SHOP.MAKE.PLAY was created.
As a child i had a strong interest in both sport and design. With my research i wanted try and combine my passion for making as a child, with sport to make better quality products than the paper and cardboard ones available to me as a child. What about if I could make 3D printed parts, combine them with cheap existing materials to produce a useable product for children at low costs that they get to have fun making?


3D Printed Chipper Head (File Supplied)

3D Printed End Cap (File Supplied)

PVC Pipe -

Electrical Tape Blue -

Sponge Golf Ball -

Suggested Tools

Pipe Cutter -

Sand Paper

3D Printer


Tape Measure

Print End Cap (Optional)

End Cap.png

First Step is the print the small end cap for the handle end of the golf club.

Printed with a 1mm Nozzle, 3.2mm Layer Height this should Take 15mins



Nozzle: 1mm

Layer Height: .32mm

Print Chipper Head

Chipper Head Image.png

The second step in the process is to print the Chipper head file.

Download the file attached to this project.

Printed with a 1mm Nozzle, the print should take 1 hour and 10 mins


Material: PLA
Nozzle Size: 1mm
Layer Hight: .32mm

While this is printing, we can get started with the making of the club.

Measure for Club Length

Size Guide.png

This is important to make sure the club length is the correct height for yourself.

Measure height from under heel to the top of the head.

Then take the measurement and look at the corresponding club length on the sizing chart.

Mark Up Pipe


The next step is to mark up the pipe.

With the suggested Club length, mark this up on the PVC piping ready to cut.

Cut Pipe


Cut the pipe at the desired length with pipe cutters, saw or whatever means you have available that would complete the job.

Keep the pipe level to ensure a clean straight cut.

Be careful to supervise or make the cut instead of child.

Add End Cap

Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 02.35.31 (3).png

Add the End cap into one end of the cut pipe.

Use twisting motion if push fit is tight.

This will now be the handle end of the club.

Tape the Handle

Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 02.51.11 (3).png

The next step is to apply the blue electrical tape to the handle to create the grip effect.

Start at the top of the handle, next to the end cap.

Angle the tape 45 degrees down towards where the club head would be. Proceed to wrap the tape around the handle until the tape fills around 1/3 of the club length.

Add Printed Chipper Head

Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 02.55.59 3.png

Once the print has finished, safely remove the printed head from the printer.

Place the head into the pipe at the opposite end to the end cap and handle

A twisting motion may need to be applied if fit is tight. This may require adult help to push the club head into the pipe completely.


Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 02.53.55 3.png

Now the club is made, the only thing left to do now is have fun and use it!