SF Skyline Silhouette Pumpkin Carving

by cbayley in Living > Halloween

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SF Skyline Silhouette Pumpkin Carving

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This halloween I decided to incorporate my fondness for silhouettes into a pumpkin carving design. I decided to use the SF skyline as inspiration.

Unfortunately I don't have great step-by-step instructions and photos as I was caught up in the moment of carving, but I hope that you can draw inspiration from what I've done in carving your next pumpkin!


Materials that you'll need:

1 pumpkin

pumpkin carving tools (small blade, sharp point, scooper, ...)
inspirational silhouette

This year I realized that my pottery tools would make excellent pumpkin carving tools! Pictured are the four that I found most useful for carving details. 

For inspiration, I did a google image search and found a drawing of an outline of the SF skyline that would work for what I had envisioned. If I were better at drawing then I would have used a picture that I had taken myself. Print out the drawing and lay it next to your pumpkin.


Carving Technique

First, use the tool with a sharp point to poke holes in the outline that I you want to make. I found that the holes made it a lot easier to try to carve into the pumpkin. Then, following the holes carve lines forming the outline that you want.

After you have finished a general outline, use one of the carving tools to chip away at the area within the outline. Do this until you've finished removing the parts of the design that you would like to glow once it's lit up.

Admire Your Work!

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Once you've finished carving out your design, you're ready to light it up! Step back and admire your handiwork.