#SELFIE Mirror

The #SELFIE Mirror is a mirror modified to include a vinyl cutout of the hastag "SELFIE". It is really as simple as that. This solution was designed to handle most of your #SELFIE watermarking needs. With this simple IRL modification you can throw away all of your photo editing software. Well -- some of your photo editing software. Okay -- none of your photo editing software. At the very least it will save you the 30 seconds it takes to add #SELFIE to all of the countless selfies that you take. Over time those seconds add up to minutes, which in turn adds up to hours. You can use those hours for other important things like personal grooming or writing a memoir about how interesting you are. That is why making this mirror is important.
Go Get Things

To make this all that is required is one of those square Stave Ikea mirrors and the attached #SELFIE stencil file.
Transferring Vinyl Graphic

If you don't have a vinyl cutter, you can print the file, and use the image outline to hand cut the lettering into black vinyl with a craft knife.
Alternately, you can use the image to create a stencil in cardstock with a craft knife, and spray paint it on.
Well Hung

You are now ready for #SELFIE glory.