Rose Flavored Summer Drink

The summer is upon us and what better way to enjoy it than by sipping an a rose flavored drink. It is easy to make and oh so refreshing!

- Dried/Fresh rose petals from about 5 flowers (whatever you have at hand works)
- 3 tablespoon castor sugar
- A quarter of a beetroot chopped
- 10-12 mint leaves finely chopped
- 4-5 leaves of sweet basin chopped
- A lemon
- 500 ml water
Infuse Rose Flavour

Boil about 200 ml of water and pour it in a bowl. Then tip your rose leaves in the water. Set aside.
Brew the Other Ingredients

Pour the remaining water in a saucepan and bring to boil. Once boiling, tip in your beetroot and herbs. Let boil for 4-5 minutes and then let simmer.
Let It Cool

Strain the brewed beetroot and herb water in a bowl and place in the refrigerator to cool.
Assemble the Drink

Once cooled, add the rose infused water, sugar and lemon juice to the brewed mix and serve! As simple as that!