Ride Safe-Powered by Android
by Wow-_-Factor in Workshop > Energy
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Ride Safe-Powered by Android

At some point in our lives, most of us rode a bicycle. Some for exploration, some for transport, and others for a source of income. Whatever the reason, we can all agree that riding on the road can be dangerous, mostly because road users have a hard time seeing riders, particularly in the afternoon and nights.
To make riding safer and convenient, a mobile phone powered ride safe modification is a great idea. This modification allows you to indicate the direction you intend to turn and notify persons behind you when you are breaking. All this without the need to use pesky batteries that need replacing ever so often or having to plug your bicycle in to charge every night. We usually always have our mobile phones so why not turn our devices into a power source? So we did just that.
Follow along and we will walk you through what you will need and the simple steps to have you riding safely by tonight.
Red Strobe Light: https://www.amazon.com/Ascher-Rechargeable-Headlig...
Amber Strobe Light: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QDPZKYH/ref=twister_B...
USB Adaptor: https://www.amazon.com/Syntech-Adapter-Thunderbolt...
USB Cable: https://www.amazon.com/Charger-Charging-Cable-Grap...
3 Terminal Switch: https://www.amazon.com/uxcell-Terminal-Position-Sw...
Button Switch: https://www.amazon.com/Button-Waterproof-Switch-Sw...
Rubber Band
Tie/Plastic Strap
Electrical Wire
Mobile Phone
Plastic Tubing
Electric Tape
Dremel (Cutting Tool)
Solder Iron
Screw Driver
Attaching Break Light

Secure the red brake light to the seat post of the bicycle leaving the wires exposed and with enough length to be joined to additional wiring later.
Preparing Handle Bar

I attached the handlebar lights by removing the edges of the grip and placing a 14mm tube within the handlebar which the lights will later be glued on to.
A small slit is made in the bottom of the handlebar to accommodate the wiring for the light however you could run the wiring through the handlebar and exit all the wires through a predrilled hole or drill a hole for the wires to exit.
Preparing Side Lights

The side light wires are stripped and the 14mm tubes are glued onto the back of the light. An additional wire is added to the lights to ensure the wiring can exit the handle and later be joined to the switch.
Install Light to Handle Bar

Glue is placed around the tube on the back of the light and the inserted into the handlebar to secure it in place. Take care to ensure the wire is not crimped and exits through the slot previously cut into the handlebar.
Preparing Switch

Wire the 3-way switch then cut a piece of 14mm tube to house the switch. Cut out space in the tubing to fit the switch within then cut the opposite sits of the tubing to allow it to be easily affixed to the handlebar.
Run Wiring

Join additional wiring to the brake light and route it along the brake line from the back to the handlebar. Cover any exposed wire with electrical tape and secure the wire with zip ties.
Do the same for the sidelights then connect them to the switch, with the left-most switch controlling the left light and the right-most switch controlling the right sidelight.
Wiring Break Switch

The method used to wire the brake switch was to cut out a small space in the brake handle to accommodate the switch so when the brake lever is pulled, the switch will be pressed thus turning the brake light on.
The switch is glued in place and the wire routed to the bottom of the handlebar.
Phone Mount

I used our great instructable community to make a simple phone mount from the bicycle water bottle holder, with a few slight modifications.
Once the top of the bottle holder is removed, I attached beads to the ends to prevent damage to the phone and allow the elastic bands to hold onto. The mount is then secured to the lower section of the handlebar with a clamp and a tie strap. Bend the
Check out the instructable here: https://www.instructables.com/Bicycle-Phone-Mount/
Attaching Elastic

The elastic band is doubled then looped below the bead twice then hooked below the bead at the top. Repeat the process on the opposite side.
Wiring Adapter

Too small magnets are glued to the adapter and USB cable. Thus is to secure the cable to the frame of the bicycle when not in use. Wire the switch for the brake light with the switches for the indicator lights then solder them to the positive and negative wires from the USB cable.
Road to Safety

Connect your phone and test the lights and switches before securing the wiring to the underside of the handlebar with zip ties.
Now hit the road and feel just that little bit more secure that you can be seen when turning or braking. Easily follow route or trails with maps just a glance away or video record your journey, all while having the added security.