Remote-Controlled AT-AT Robot (Star Wars)
by TechMartian in Circuits > Remote Control
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Remote-Controlled AT-AT Robot (Star Wars)

My friend recently made a beautiful Star Wars AT-AT desktop organizer and being the technology enthusiast that I am, I knew I could make it one notch better by making it movable controlled by an RC remote.
I've managed to convince her to let me "borrow" her AT-AT so I can take it apart and control it! And that's exactly what I did! So here's a guide for you on how to make a super cool Remote Controlled AT-AT Robot.
Make the Torso and Legs

Follow my friend's guide on how to make the torso and the head of the AT-AT
Glue the Servos

Glue the servo motors onto the side of the torso with the servo horn parallel to the length of the torso.
Glue the Legs

Glue the legs onto the servo horn. Don't worry too much about centreing it, since you can always trim it later.

Plug in all the servos to the receiver, from the very bottom with the order signal-vcc-ground.
Connect the a small battery onto the body of the AT-AT to power the servo motor. You can power it with as little as 3.3V to as much as 7.2V, so a standard battery pack will do. Or if you want to hide the battery like I did stack some tiny coin cells and glue it to the side and glue it to a spliced servo wire.

Trim the servo motors by adjusting the trim knobs (as shown on the picture) of your RC Transmitter until the legs are entered.

Enjoy you're super awesome RC Controlled AT-AT Robot!!!