Refrigerator Spiders

I made these spiders because refrigerators like Halloween too. They add a finishing touch to coloring pages of jack-o-lanterns and spooky ghosts. Each spider has a 1/2" neodymium disc magnet in its abdomen.
I made them from 22 gauge sheet metal and 16 gauge wire.
I made them from 22 gauge sheet metal and 16 gauge wire.
Cut Out Circles

To start I found out which size depression in my doming block would fit a neodymium magnet. These magnets are 1/2" discs. Next I measured the diameter and traced that same size onto sheet metal. I used metal shears to cut out all the circles. There are 8 total; four small, 4 big.
Dapping Circles.

In the second picture you can see the progression how the metal is formed. You start out with a larger depression and work your way smaller. Eventually a half sphere is formed.
File Off the Edges.

To clean up the edges I soldered the smaller halves to a nail and mounted them in my lathe. I used a file to get rid of the jagged edge. The larger halves I filed down with a file on a flat surface.
At this point I used sand paper to sand off oxidation.
At this point I used sand paper to sand off oxidation.
Use Silver Solder

After de-soldering the nails I applied soldering paste to both halves. I then butt them together and used a torch and silver solder to join them.
Cut the Legs

I cut 8 short pieces and 8 long pieces of wire. I then bent them all at 90 degrees in the center. The smaller ones bent further so they fit into the curve of the other. I used a diamond wheel to remove any sharp edges.
Soldier the Body to the Legs

First I soldered the legs together. After that I soldered the body onto the legs. The joint of the two halves are centered on the bends of the legs.
Bend in the Joints

This part is easier than it looks. I used the width of the plier jaws as a guide. With that I went around to each leg and bent in all the joints.
Polish and Add the Magnets

Using a buffing wheel and polishing compound I buffed the metal to a shine. The last Thing I did was slip neodymium magnets into each spider.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.