Re-Design of My School's Cafateria + Tips and Tricks

by Zaphod Beetlebrox in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Re-Design of My School's Cafateria + Tips and Tricks

lounging render.jpg
Study render.jpg
Top View.jpg
This started out as a project for my design studies class. We were to redesign our school's outdated and very bland cafeteria. It had to seat 100 students, have a study area, games area, a lounging space, and a small food selling area.

I learned a few very useful things in the creation of the project that I will share in the next few steps.

How to Create your Own Unique Components in Autodesk Inventor

How to Change the Materials of Components (that don't give you the option)

This is an entry in the Improve Your Room Contest, I am 17 years old, and pursuing engineering at the U of A after this year.  I am no-wear near Chicago.
As always all votes are appreciated. So are all questions and comments. Thanks.

**I am using student versions of Revit 2014 and Inventor 2014**

Cafeteria Design

Top View.jpg
Eating Area.jpg
Food Area.jpg
Games and lounging.jpg
lounging render.jpg
Study render.jpg
Here are the pictures and file (for those of you with revit). Feel free to give you're thoughts.

Key futures are:
Seating for 100 students
Study area for 43 students
Food Vendor
Bean bag chairs
Games Area
6 Microwaves
Working Traffic Pattern

How to Create Components for Revit in Inventor

mm Ipt.jpg
Create 2D sketch.jpg
Select Workplane.jpg
Sketch profile.jpg
New sketch.jpg
Sketch leg cut outs.jpg
Leg cut out 3d.jpg
Leg cut out extrude.jpg
Back holes new sketch.jpg
Back Cut outs.jpg
Back Cut outs extrude.jpg
Create fillet.jpg
Filllited chair.jpg
Tools Tab.jpg
Select Material.jpg
Save rfa.jpg
Manage, Bim Exchange.jpg
Export building components.jpg
Bim Exchange.jpg
Finish bim exchange.jpg
Open revit.jpg
place component.jpg
load familey.jpg
navigate to chair.jpg
This is not going to be an Inventor Instructable (if you want me to make some let me know). So if you want to learn how to use it here are a few youtube videos that are good: (I advise following this set as they helped me allot)

The basic process is:
Make chair, table, lamp... exc
Open BIM exchange
Export building model (.rfa)
Load family in Revit

I'm going to annotate all the pictures, so hopefully it will be a nice step by step processes by just clicking next on the pictures.

How to Change Materials of Components in Revit

Edit Type.jpg
Select material to change.jpg
Edit select material.jpg
Components without material edditor..jpg
Manage materials revit.jpg
Find obviouse material.jpg
Find correct material.jpg
New project revit.jpg
new architectual template.jpg
Place one instance of component in new file..jpg
Find strange material.jpg
Change render material.jpg
The easiest way to change the material of a component in Revit is to "edit the type" of  the component. Select an instance of the component and press edit type in the properties box. When the window opens press duplicate otherwise you will change all instances of the component that are in your project. Next go down to the materials settings and change the part you want. Press the "..." at the end of the material name to open the materials window.  Here you can edit the material or select a new one.  I recommend using the Tint function at the bottom to easily change the color of everything.

Now some things won't let you change the materials in this way. When you go to edit type  there are no material options. The work around for this is to go to the manage tab on the ribbon and then to materials. Next you have to find the material that is referenced by the component. sometimes this is easy, for example all the fooseball table materials are labeled "foosball ..."  this makes them easy to find and change.

However some are called random things like "render material 78 567 98". The best way to find these tricky materials, is to make a new document and load just the component you are looking to change, then scroll through the materials list (which should be much smaller than in a large project) and change the one you think is most likely. Doing it this way reduces the chance off accidentally screwing up the appearance of other components in your main project. Then when you find the correct one change it in the main project.

At least that's what I do, If you have other faster ways or a different approach, Let us know in the comments.
Thanks for reading.