Rat Trap

I have a ton of rats raiding my bird feeders because they have a colony of rats somewhere near my house. So, I built my first rat trap to start getting rid of the rat colony. It failed, as there was space around the trip stick that allowed the rat to go around the trip stick. This is my second trap, and it works because just a tiny touch anywhere near the trip will cause the trap to snap shut with tremendous force, ultimately destroying whatever is in line with the lip of the box.
- strong 1" stick (could be a piece of lego, a piece of twig, or a defunct USB thumb drive)
- 2" diameter rubber band
- small wooden box
Put Rubber Band Around Front

Put the rubber band around the front of the box (the side opposite of the hinges).
Attach the Trigger

Place the trigger balanced on the lip of the box.
Bait and Set

Place bait (rice, beans, millet, cheese, etc.) into the box without closing it and set the trap wherever the rats are roaming.
WARNING:If you see any squirrels near the trap, drive them somewhere else because you do not want the trap to kill your furry friend! Also, do not bait the trap with nuts and seeds as this will only attract squirrels, not rats.
You're finished with the trap! Now you can watch the birds and squirrels eat the food on your feeders without disturbance or cook without running into rats in the pantry!
Make sure to remove the rats and sanitize the trap every time the trap catches a rat. After you remove and sanitize the trap, set the trigger, bait the trap, and set the trap.
This is a All Rights Reserved instructable. I can control permissions. I am only going to allow people who are getting rid of rats, mice, groundhogs, and gophers to use my trap design. I am not allowing people who are going to use this to kill or get rid of chipmunks or squirrels to use my trap design.