Rasperry Pi Phone Emulator

The Raspberry Pi is a very versatile tool that can be used for many personal projects. Today we will be making a Raspberry Pi phone that can take photos, take videos and talk to you. We will be using lots of parts and libraries to make this project very unique.

- Raspberry Pi 3 - $50
- Micro SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS - $13
- Power Supply - $14
- GPIO Extension Board - $11
- Pi Camera - $33
- Speaker (USB or Audio Jack) - $13
- 2x Breadboard 2 x $12.80 ($25.60)
- Wires - ~$2
- Led - $0.10
- LDR - $1.10
- Push Buttons 4 x $0.08 ($0.32)
- Logic Gates - 3 x $1 ($3)
- And
- Or
- Not
- Resistors - 8 x $0.03 ($0.24)
- 10k Ohms
- 330 Ohms
- Dip Switch - $1.2
Total Cost: $167.56
Beginning this project required lots of research.
I began by learning about how to use the raspberry pi and getting familiar with navigating and utilizing it.
I then started learning python and its syntax, the switch was simple as coding languages are all similar to eachother.
Then I researched about the Pi Camera and the Text to Speech capabilities of espeak
Pi Camera: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/getting-started-with-picamera
espeak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7gtWwyk_V8
Please view these resources to understand and setup their individual libraries and dependencies
Build the Logic Gate Lock

To begin the circuitry we will make a logic gate lock that when turned on with the correct "password" will allow power to flow throughout the whole circuit, thus allowing the project to work.
We start by making a Boolean equation and solving its sum of products to figure out the required gates and how they would be wired.
My logic can be seen in the supporting image, when solved I needed an and, or and not gate. Gates and circuits will vary based on the sum of products.
Arrange the gates onto a breadboard as seen in the supporting image if using my logic, if not create your own sum of products table and place necessary logic gates as required.
Setup GPIO Extender and Buttons

Now to be able to use the code with physical components we will make a button breadboard that will connect to the GPIO Extension Board allowing for easy access to the Raspberry Pi pins. Arrange breadboard as seen in the image. The breadboard must not get direct power from the Raspberry Pi instead the power should go through the logic gate lock first and then into the button system.
There is an LED to show if the buttons have power or not, and is the On/Off LED marker.
Connect the Breadboards

Now please connect the breadboards using their built in connectors and through connecting wires.
Namely the power from the GPIO extender should go to the logic gates breadboard so that the power can pass through the logic gate lock before reaching the On LED and push buttons.
However the first push button (off push button) should be given power even without going through the logic gate lock so that we can turn off the phone without the lock.
Please see the attached circuit
Setup the Raspberry Pi

Before we go any further make sure that the Raspberry Pi has a microSD card with a Raspberry Pi OS installed.
Attach the speaker, Pi Camera and GPIO Extension Board to the Raspberry Pi. Along with any required peripherals.
Update the Raspberry Pi through the console log and make sure to install all required dependencies seen from the resources in step 1.
Now create a folder on the desktop to store your project.
In this folder use Thonny to create a python text file that we will put the code into.
Upload the Code and Run It!
Upload the given code into the Thonny program on your file and run the code.
Your Pi Phone should now work similar to mine. Please view the following YouTube video to see how my Pi Phone works.
Now that you have the code, physical product and knowledge you can edit the code or physical component to your liking and add new parts to the project that I wish I could have.
Consider adding a Rock Paper Scissors game or a Texting Feature.