RPG With Paintball Rockets

by Random_Canadian in Outside > Rockets

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RPG With Paintball Rockets

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In this case an SCPPR ... Self Contained Pneumatic Powered Rocket.

The wind was fierce this day!!! The light rocket veered off target but distance was still impressive...

I still have to find a safe and approved location to fully distance test the paintball rockets.

Safe in the City

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To address the concerns from MANY...

I did obtain proper permission from the private owners of the property before conducting tests. The authorities were notified of the location and nature of the tests.

The tests did not include the firing of the toy at a target that would create concern.

The tests did occur on private property.

This device was designed for use in private areas where the participants were aware of the nature of the device. IE paintball range. that is the reason and design of the original colouring.

Inner city use may cause problems. Don't do it!!!!

In order to prevent getting arrested,,, shot... or raising the terror level... it is advisable to get proper permission from the authorities before firing ANY rocket in a public area.

The barrel of the device can be identified as a toy by orange indication. I have modified this one as shown for future tests.

The projectiles will be similar in identification.

For paintball... all bets are off, NO ORANGE... you and your army of friends will be hit from a long way away!!! HAPPY HIDING!!!

Materials in Need

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I ised SCH40 pvg fittings and regular 4 inch PVC sewer pipe.

The pressure vessel is a 500ml Aquafina bottle. Coincidentally they make great rockets.

sch40 1/2 inch threaded Tee
sch40 1/2 inch PVC pipe
SCH40 1/2 inch threaded ends
4 inch PVC sewer pipe
2 inch schrader tire valve
3/8 to 1/2 inch pipe reducer
ABS and PVC pipe cement
1/2 inch ball valve
CCM bicycle tire pump
craft paper
Masking tape
2/12 inch pool noodle
3 inch pool noodle
3/4 inch foam pipe insulation
drywall seam tape
tissue paper
craft foam
EVA foam floor mats
Cyano type glue
hot glue
contact cement
2 part epoxy

Sand paper
hack saw
hole saw
Hot glue gun

Got Me Under Pressure!!!

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The pressure vessel is a modified Aquafina bottle. I have been using one up to 60 PSI for ever 70 launches without a failure.

To be on the safe side it might be a good idea to change the bottle more frequently.

Liberally coat the inside of the neck of the bottle with yellow ABS cement. ( grey PVC cement seems to not work here, it will break away from the bottle and not create an air tight seal.)

cut and clean a 4 inch section of 1/2 inch SCH40 PVC pipe

Insert the short section of PVC pipe through the neck of the bottle. It will be a tight fit but not a friction fit.

Invert the bottle and let the cement surround the pipe but not leak through the center, As shown.

Purple Prime and PVC cement a threaded fitting to the other end.

Let dry for at least 24 hours!!!

Make several of these and change them frequently to prevent a catastrophic failure which could result in an injury.

Working Mechanism

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Assemble the pressure bottle to a 1/2 inch SCH40 Tee. The side will contain a tire Schrader valve that is cut to fit  and the other end of the Tee goes to a ball valve.

The launching tube is 24 inch long SCH40 PVC tube with a threaded end.

Make all pipe joints with purple prime and PVC cement.

All threaded joints need Teflon tape for proper seal.

The Schrader valve is held in place buy a 3/8 reducer fitting on the 90 degree fitting on the Tee as shown,

The 2 inch tire inflation Schrader valve is needing the base cut as shown to reduce friction and to facilitate an easier installation into the sewer pipe.

The ball valve is to open by bulling back towards the bottle.

The assembly without the bottle is 36 inches long

Make It Work!

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The working mechanism involved creating and storing pressurized air.
I this case you will be using a bicycle tire pump to create and store a 60PSI pressure of atmospheric gas.

The bicycle pump is mounted to the outside of launching tube and the pressure vessel is internal to the tube.

The idea here is a self contained repeatable firing platform.

In the previous step you built the working mechanism for the launcher. now you are building a portable housing.

One side of the tire pump base is cut off in a circular configuration to allow the body of the pump to fit snugly against the larger sewer pipe.

The pump is disassembled to accomplish this as shown.

A 1 1/4 inch PVC coupler is placed over the main pump body then the pump is reassembled.

The pump is then fastened to the sewer pipe with liberal amounts of 2 part epoxy. it has to withstand shearing force of pressure pumping.

Drilled holes in the tube are best made with a step bit.

Holes are measured and made in the sewer pipe for the ball lever and the Schrader vale this is done as needed and no templates are available. Measurements are from the inner working mechanism and the ball valve needs to be off center to allow for the protrusion of and reaching the lever around the tire pump body.

The lever hole is several smaller holes in line then finished with a file.

Make It Pretty!

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Test for operation. If you are satisfied then lets give it proper dress...

I used EVA foam to create a sleek look and workable function. This was done without a template or patterns.

This step is optional but id does provide a better looking launch platform. Honestly I fired it a lot before actually finishing it.

The foam was cut with razor knives the shaped with Dremel and sand paper.

I tried to follow the provided contours for cleaner lines.

The foam was then coated with 6 layers of white glue and water solution.

Do not cover the end of the launch tube. It is left open for safety and service.

Finish and Paint

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Prime and paint as desired

The firing ball valve lever was extended with an aluminum bracket as shown then an EVA foam firing handle was added.


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Make some EVA foam round spacers. These will be used to center the firing tube and hold everything in place.

I needed more stability and added some foam noodle spacers as well.

Everything is pressed in from the bach and the lever is pulled through the rectangular hole.

The valve is pulled up through the hole you cut earlier.

Misalignment can be corrected by adjusting the threaded pipe sections.

Indoor Ordnance

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Indoor rockets are constructed from foam to keep injuries low.

Unfortunately this type of rocket has only about a 30 foot range ans is unpredictable in flight.

More work is needed on these

EVA circles can be cut by turning a hole saw in the wrong direction with moderate downward force. The edges may be rough but easily sanded smooth.

Outdoor Fun

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There are 2 ways to make the rocket tube. One creates a reusable tube the other is a single use but travels much farther.

The difference between these in the addition of masking tape to the rocket form.

The rocket form is a 2 foot lenght of the same PVC used for the launching tube.

This is used as a core for a craft paper tube.

If the rocket form is wrapped with masking tape sticky side out it makes a lined tube.

The crat paper is wrapped around the core several times then cut and taped shut along the seam. A single line of tape or a wrap can be used.

The tube is cut in half then placed over the tube. An Aquafina water bottle is then placed over the tube.

The bottle neck is taped to the paper tube with a couple of layers of Duct tape

Rocket fins are made from some paper drywall tape. It is folded in half then cut to the desired shape with the fold away from the rocket body.

These are taped to the lower part of the rocket body on both sides of the fin. 3 fins are equally spaced around the rocket.

The single use rocket destroys the inside of the tube one it has been fired.  This prevents your enemies from recovering the rocket and using it against you.

A cardboard nose cone is optional but not really needed.

Weaponized With Paintballs

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Make a single use rocket tube

The Aquafina bottle is shortened by making a single cut around the center. The cut ends are pressed together to shrink the bottle. It is then secured together with a wrap of duct tape.

Assemble the rocket as before.

Cut a piece of craft paper that is about 10 inches wide. Wrap this around the bottle then tape as shown. Leave to business end of the rocket open.

Use tissue paper to create an open ended tube around another bottle.

Tape the end shut around the bottle neck with masking tape.

Remove the bottle and fill the paper nose cone with 3 to 5 handfuls of ordinary paintball rounds.

Twist the tube shut then insert it into the rocket, twisted side down.

Secure the nose cone to the rocket with a single wrap of electrical tape.

Fire responsibly!