Project JULIUS

This robot is made from milk cartons. His name is Julius. The robot is created using the "collapsible cube" technology. This project uses elements of my previous projects: "Collapsible Cube", "Milky Rubik's Snake", "This Is the House Where Hamster Lives". All of these projects can be found on this site.
This craft is like a constructor kit, and the assembly is like a puzzle.
And the photo session turned into a balance game...
Paper milk carton with plastic neck
Сardboard toilet paper tube
As always, no glue is needed!
Introductory Stage / PIN

How to make this element, see "Milky Rubik's Snake" (Step 6)
Introductory Stage / LOCK WASHER (round)

How to make this element, see "Milky Rubik's Snake" (Step 7)
Introductory Stage / SPRING WASHER (square)

How to make this element, see "Milky Rubik's Snake" (Step 2). The resulting element "Basis" is cut in two in the middle.
Introductory Stage / AXIS

The cardboard toilet paper tube is cut lengthwise. Rolls into a cylinder with a smaller diameter. The element can be strengthened by inserting the cap inside.
Introductory Stage / PRIZM-90

How to make this element, see "Milky Rubik's Snake". You may not need to make all the holes in the parts.
Introductory Stage / PRIZM-60

This element is very similar to PRIZM-90. It differs in that an equilateral triangle lies at the base (see attached stencil).
Introductory Stage / HALF CUBE

This is a new element.
Introductory Stage / SWIVEL CUBE

This is a regular collapsible cube, but with holes for pins. One edge with a pin is reinforced with a spring washer. The other two edges are double-walled.
Introductory Stage / FORK (straight)

This element has two parts. The interior may be wrinkled during assembly. It is better to immediately outline the place of the fold. This element can have additional hole for a swivel joint. This hole is not shown in the picture.
Introductory Stage / FORK-45

This element is very similar to the previous one. No additional hole is required for this element.
Introductory Stage / STAIRWAY-90

How to make this element, see "This Is the House Where Hamster Lives" (Step 10-12). When making a part STAIRS, do not make the flaps.
Introductory Stage / STAIRWAY-60

This element is very similar to the previous one. Based on PRIZM-60. Has a decorative function. Can be replaced with PRIZM-60.
Introductory Stage / HELMET Decoration

It is a decorative element.
Introductory Stage / TOE

This is a regular collapsible cube with two flaps.
Introductory Stage / WRIST

This element is based on FORK-45. The lower part is slightly shorter.
Introductory Stage / Experimental TURBINE

This element is experimental. It performs a decorative function and may not be there.
Jointing Methods / Hard Joint

The figure shows the FORK-45 hard joint to the HALF CUBE.
Jointing Methods / Swivel Joint

The figure shows how to connect FORK and HALF CUBE using a swivel joint.
Jointing Methods / Axial Joint

The figure shows how to connect the FORKs using AXIS.
Assembled Block / BODY

Assembled Block / HEAD

Assembled Block / LEG

Assembled Block / HAND

Assembled Block / TURBINE (experimental)

Final Assembly

Meeting of Relatives