Primordial Jade Winged Spear

by Lucas Beppu in Craft > Costumes & Cosplay

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Primordial Jade Winged Spear

My project-1 (4).png
My project-1 (2).png

I made Xiao's signature weapon,The Primordial Jade Winged Spear, for my SIDE project in Ms. Berbawy's Principles of Engineering Class at Irvington High School. It is a weapon created by the Geo Archon from the game Genshin Impact in order to slay the "behemoth" below the waves and to save his city's ships and ports. It is a beautiful spear and the weapon of my favorite character. This guide will show you how you can create your own Primordial Jade Winged Spear


Prusa PLA Filament: Galaxy Black, Cloverleaf Metallic Green, Translucent Iridescent Ice, and Viva la Bronze

Prusa MK3S+ 3D printer

Vinyl Printer (Roland SG2-540)

Fusion 360

Prusa Slicer

Adobe Illustrator

Gorilla glue

Wooden dowels (9.5mm diameter)

PVC pipe (1 inch diameter)

Glossy Calendared Vinyl

Paint: Gold, Green, Black

Ratchet Strap

DISCLAIMER: You will need an intermediate understanding of how to use Fusion 360 in order to create this item

The Heel


The heel is the easiest part to print so that's where we'll start. Begin by opening Fusion 360 and make sure that your default measurement is in mm.

Start a sketch in the xy plane and draw a circle with a diameter of 24.5 mm. Extrude the circle to have a height of 50 mm. On top of that cylinder draw a circle with a diameter of 36mm. Extrude this circle to have a height of 50mm and change the angle of the extrusion to be 15 degrees. Extrude this new wider face to be 80 mm tall and have an angle of -20 degrees. Next, use the create tab to create a sphere with a diameter of 33 mm and join it to top of the cone.

Make sure to adjust the diameter of your initial cylinder to be able to snugly fit inside of your PVC pipe. My PVC pipe's inner diameter is 25.6 mm so I went a little smaller with 24.5 mm. I then put this in Prusa Slicer and printed it in Cloverleaf Metallic Green.

I've linked my heel but make sure to make any necessary modifications based on your needs.


The Decorative Hilt


Right above the heel is a decorative ornament and is the next part we will build.

Begin be sketching a rectangle with dimensions 64 mm wide and 150 mm long. Extrude it to give it a height of 50 mm. Next draw a triangle with a height of 62 mm and a base of 64 mm that lines up with your rectangular prism. Remove the upper left and right corners left over from the triangle sketch. Cut out a triangle with a height of 15 mm and 64 mm base from the bottom of the shape. Now create a 3 point arc starting from the top left corner and ending on the bottom left corner. Place the 3rd point 8 mm down and 3mm right of the top corner. Now remove the material on the left side of the arc highlighted in blue. Repeat this step on the other side. After creating the shape create a 34.2 mm diameter hole in the center of this ornament that goes all the way through.

The decorations you will see on the parts are my own personal take on the designs and interests. I encourage you to put your own creative twist on your own spear to make it truly yours.

You will also have to add two holes inside of the ornament. These holes will be inside of the object and won't be visible from the outside. Choose two areas on your ornament and draw a circle with a diamter of 9.5 mm. Turn this into a hole that goes 40 mm deep. Make sure this hole will not interfere with the bigger hole that you have already made. Now draw another cirlce over the hole you just made and make it go 10 mm deep and join it to your shape. Now there is a hidden hole inside of your ornament. Do this both sides of your ornament.

When you put it into Prusa Slicer, split the design into 2 pieces and printer them both decoration side up. You should be able to see your two hidden holes in Prusa Slicer now. Make sure to put support blockers in these holes. Begin the print with galaxy black and stop it when it gets to the decorations. Change the filament to viva la bronze so that your decorations are gold.

I've linked my decorative ornament but make sure to make the corresponding modification based on your needs. Make sure that the hold of the hilt fits snugly around your PVC pipe and that the dowel holes are the correct size.


The Tippity Tip


Now we're gonna swing all the way to the top of the spear

The next 3 parts are all related to the tip of the spear and connect with one another. Be extra mindful of your measurements so that the three pieces come together well.

Begin by sketching a curve that is 45 mm wide and 60 mm tall. Draw lines in both directions from the bend for 150 mm on both sides. Create an arc from the end of extended line to 70 mm down and 30 mm left. Do the same thing to the other side and draw a line connect your bottom sketches. Extrude the figure it give it a height of 56 mm. Next cut out a triangle 15 mm below your tip that is 30 mm wide and 15 mm tall. Starting from the bottom left of your triangle draw a line that is 100 mm long that forms a 5.7 degree angle to the vertical. Mirror this line on the other side. Connect the two lines by going down 10 mm to create another triangle. Turn this shape into a hole so that there is an elongated crystal shape missing from the center of your spear.

Next cut out a rectangle from the bottom of your shape with a width of 20 mm and a length of 70 mm. Instead of turning it into a hole leave it a height of 6 mm. Create triangles with the long leg being the length of the rectangle. These triangles will have a base of 25 mm. Connect the hypotenuse and extrude this for a height of 2 mm. Create two holes on the bottom of your spear that are 30 mm deep and have a diameter of 9.5 mm. Like you did for the decorative ornament add 2 holes that are 9.5 mm in diameter and are 30 mm deep within the tip.

Congrats you've created your tip. Now onto printing it. Export your shape into Prusa Slicer and cut it in half along the tip. The two hidden holes you previously created will now be visible. After you have printed both sides insert dowels into the holes and combine them. Glue the two sides together if necessary. I printed this piece entirely out of Cloverleaf Metallic Green and painted the certain parts of it to match the in game appearance.

I've linked my heel but make sure to make the corresponding modification based on your needs.


The Connecting Piece of the Tip


When you look at the spear tip there are two major parts that you'll notice, the tip itself and the eagle ornament below it. However, in between the two pieces is a less noticeable connector. This piece will be used to connect our tip to our ornament.

Begin by choosing the x axis and creating a sketch. First we will make a trapezoid with the top base having a length of 80 mm and the lower base will have a length of 100 mm. The trapezoid will have a height of 15 mm. Next create a 3 point arc with the bottom left of the trapezoid as the first point, the second point being 25 mm away and 10 mm up. The the 3rd point should be 15 mm away and 5 mm up. Do this for both sides. Now make another 3 point arc with the first point being the 2nd point of the last arc. The second point will be at in the middle and go down 60 mm from the trapezoid. The 3rd point will be 15 mm towards the shape and 40 mm down from the first point. Now extrude both of these shapes so that they are 60 mm tall.

Create a hole that is 35 mm deep starting from the trapezoid side with a diameter of 34.2 mm On that same side create 2 holes that have a diameter of 9.5 mm and are 20 mm deep that are spaced 60 mm apart. These holes should correspond to the holes in the tip. Now decorate.

The only color this will be printed in is black. The decorations will be printed in gold.

I suggest printing it upside down with the two holes facing downwards and using supports on the build plate only. Make sure to put support blockers so that there is no support material inside of the holes.

The file I've linked here will match up with the file for the spear tip but remember to make any necessary adjustments for your spear.


The Decorative Top Ornament


This is by far the biggest and most beautiful piece of the build.

Begin by creating a sketch on the x axis. Draw a rectangle that is 50 mm wide and 50 mm tall. Delete the bottom side of the rectangle. Create a 3 point arc that starts from the bottom left corner of the rectangle whose second point is 30 mm to the left and 25 mm down and whose third point is 15 mm to the left and 17 mm down. Next, create another 3 point arc from the arc you just made whose second point is 70 mm up and 3rd point is 13 mm to the left and 38 mm up.

Now to create the wings. Create a 3 point arc that starts from your last arc and ends 35 mm to the left and goes up 60 mm. Create another arc that starts from your last arc and ends 45 mm below it. This is the tip of your wings. Create another arc that starts from the end point of the last one and have it end 125 mm below and 35 mm to the right. Finally, make one more arc that starts from the end point of your last arc and ends 100 mm below your initial rectangle. Repeat all these steps on the right side.

Now that you have created your sketch extrude the central figure up 50 mm and your wings 60 mm. Have your wings 5 mm higher on both sides of the figure. Now decorate your ornament however you'd like. Once done with that create a hole in the middle of the rectangle that is 34.2 mm in diameter.

If you wish to have the floating spikes you will have to create 6 10.5 mm diameter holes that are 20 mm deep on both wings.

When you import your file into Prusa Slicer print the top and bottom wings in viva la bronze and the center piece in galaxy black. Begin by printing in viva la bronze and stopping the printer when it finishes the wings. Change out the filament into galaxy black and continue the print. Let this finish printing and when the printer begins on the next set of wings change the filament back to viva la bronze. You will have to use supports on the build plate for the first side to hold the wings.

If you want to use my design I've attached the file below. As always make sure to make any adjustments.


The Floating Spikes


This will be a very easy add on to your top ornament to make it look that much better.

Begin by choosing the x coordinate and drawing a circle with a diameter of 10.2 mm. Extrude this circle to give it a height of 40 mm. Next draw a square with 12 mm long sides. Extrude this square up 10 mm and with an angle of 15 degrees. Extrude this new face 45 mm up and with an angle of -15 degrees. This will give it that point.

Print the bottom cylinder in a translucent filament and the crystal in Cloverleaf Metallic Green by stopping it when it approaches the crystal shape. Make sure to use supports on the build plate to support the crystal

The Shaft


As you may have noticed by now your PVC pipe is definitely not the color of the spear's shaft. This is where we use the vinyl. I used Adobe Illustrator to create a gradient from black to green like the real spear.

Make the vinyl 11 cm wide and 136 cm tall. This will give you some leeway when wrapping the vinyl around the spear.

Be very patient when you put the vinyl on to make sure there are no air bubbles. The longer you spend putting it on the better your shaft will look.



My project-1 (2).png

Now time to put your masterpiece together.

I'm going to give you the steps in order of how to assemble the spear but you do not have to follow this exactly, this is just how I would do it.

Paint the decorations the gold before assembling.

  1. Insert the heel and gorilla glue it in place.
  2. Apply vinyl onto the spear.
  3. Slide the decorative hilt onto the end.
  4. In order to assembled your hilt cut 2 3 cm dowel and place them into the holes.
  5. Put the other half of the hilt on top of the dowel.
  6. Put glue on the the inside and finally squish the halves together.
  7. Complete your top ornament by gluing the floating spikes into the holes of your ornament.
  8. Combine the tip, connector, and top ornament
  9. Cut out appropriately sized dowels and place them in the connector.
  10. Put the tip over the dowels
  11. Put glue between the tip and connector
  12. Glue the top ornament onto the bottom of the connector and make sure the holes line up.
  13. Place the combined piece at the tip of the PVC pipe.
  14. Glue that piece to the spear.

Congratulations you have finished assembling the spear.