Power Golf

by KORRIGAN JONES in Outside > Sports

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Power Golf


We all know about the outdoor sport known as golf. Golf is seen by many as a more laid-back, non-athletic, casual sport for people of all ages. But, what if we took the idea of golf, combined it with soccer, and sprinkled a little bit of football, basketball, and hockey? Well, you'll get POWER GOLF! Power Golf is a new way to play golf created by me(Korrigan Jones)and my friend(JaMareion Kawonise) at Park Crest Middle School in Pflugerville, TX which combines the basics of golf with the more complex parts of other sports to make a whole new style of golf!



There are a few things you need in order to play Power Golf:

  1. A spray can(make sure that the color is visible on the field)
  2. An open field
  3. A shovel(preferably the small kind)
  4. Two holes on both sides of the area
  5. (Optional)Flags for the holes
  6. At least 8 golf clubs
  7. A golf ball
  8. A tee(the stand in which the golf ball is on)

Setting Up the Game!

Setting up a game of Power Golf is simple:

  1. Using the spray can, outline a rectangular box in an area on the field. This will be the playing field. Make sure to also draw five lines that are separated evenly. One near the goal, one a few feet away from the goal, one in the middle, one a few feet away from the middle, and one next to the enemy goal.
  2. Using a shovel, dig out a hole on both ends of the field, one for each team.
  3. Take the flags and stick them in the ground next to each hole(optional)
  4. Place a tee in the middle of field and place the golf ball on top.
  5. Give a golf club to each player.

How to Play Power Golf!


Playing Power Golf might seem complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's quite simple to understand.

  1. Get into teams of two. The placement of the players at the start of each round should be sort of like bowling pins(One in the front, two on the sides, and one in the back).
  2. Do a countdown from 3(3...2...1...GO!)
  3. Start playing!
  4. Every round will be 5 minutes long, and the points from each team during the game will go to the final score of the game. There will be 4 rounds each game, so one game of Power Golf should last about 20 minutes.
  5. At the end of the game, whoever has the most points in total wins the game!

Da Rules!


Before you start to play the game of Power Golf, you gotta learn about Da Rules first:

  1. There are five points you can shoot from. These points are from your goal(5 pts.), few feet from your goal(4 pts.), in the middle of the field(3 pts.), few feet from the enemy goal(2 pts.), and right next to the goal(1 pt.). The points only count if the shot goes in from that point. Another teammate cannot assist the goal if they aren't at that point.
  2. No physically attacking other players. This includes but is not limited to: Punching, Kicking, Slapping, Hitting Others With Golf Clubs, and more. All in all, just don't hit people. Breaking this rule will result in a physical penalty, and the enemy team gets a free shot from the middle of the field. Hitting this shot will give them 5 points.
  3. If a player and/or the golf ball goes out of the field, then an out-of-bounds penalty will be given, and the enemy team gets a free shot from the middle of the field. Hitting this shot will get them 3 points.
  4. Be a good sport! Friendly jokes are fine, but if someone on your team is verbally attacking someone else on either team, then a technical foul will be given out, and the ball goes to the enemy team. So, don't be SUPER mean.
  5. All in all, just have fun! Although this is meant to be a more athletic version of golf, good sportsmanship and practice of safety matter, so don't neglect those!