Power Bank With Cable Storage

Power Bank case for leftover parts from other projects with small storage for cables.

Powerbank board - https://www.joom.com/cs/products/5c2073528b45130101834172?variant_id=5c2073528b45130401834175
Batteries - https://www.tme.eu/en/details/accu-lp123497_cl/rechargeable-batteries/cellevia-batteries/
Wireless charging module - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004798369286.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.11.337f2ce2FbOm6d&algo_pvid=9ebeaf44-2b14-423f-8db2-5305f940fc38&algo_exp_id=9ebeaf44-2b14-423f-8db2-5305f940fc38-5&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21CZK%2163.66%2122.85%21%21%21%21%21%402100baf316854602562647703d0774%2112000030525477541%21sea%21CZ%210&curPageLogUid=wDepIQ8fkpop
Lithium batteries charger/discharger
Soldering iron
Kapton tape

This tutorial is for advanced electrotechnicans, because handling lithium batteries require more electronics knowledge and experiences.
Batteries are connected in parallel and wireless charging module needs to be soldered to USB output pins on PCB.
For connecting batteries in parallel:
- Choose new batteries from same batch
- Dischage them to equal voltage (Li-Pol 3.1V) with charger/discharger specificaly for Lithuim batteries
- While working on a li-ion battery wear protective eyeglasses and clothing.
- Any uncovered battery material such as electrolyte or powder on the skin or in the eyes must immediately be flushed with plenty of clean water. Then seek medical assistance. Spillages on clothing should be rinsed out with water.
- Explosion and fire hazard.
- The terminals of a li-ion battery are always live, therefore do not place metallic items or tools on top of a li-ion battery. Avoid short circuits, too deep discharges and too high charge currents. Use insulated tools. Do not wear any metallic items such as watches, bracelets, et cetera. In case of fire, you must use a type D foam or CO2 fire extinguisher.
Printed insert with assembled electronic is slided in power bank case and rear end parts are glued in place.