Polymer Clay Covered Flatware

Have you ever seen all that nice and colored flatware in a store and left thinking that you wanted it but couldn't buy it because you already had too much? Here is an example.
Leaving a store thinking that you couldn't buy something that you want is really disappointing.
Luckily I found out about this cool technique that you can use to cover your flatware and make it look the way you want!
All you need is polymer clay, I used Fimo.
This was the first time I ever used Fimo, but it was so fun that it won't be the last!
Of course you can use this technique to do anything you want, but I covered an old ruined knife along with a teaspoon with the clay that was left, and I am extremely satisfied with the result.
I hope you enjoy this instructable and have fun with clay! :)
What You Need

- 3 different colors of polymer clay - I used white, blue and red Fimo
- cutter
- pasta machine
- ruler
- flatware
Make 2 Rectangles

Take one piece of white clay and one piece of red clay. They have to be about the same size.
Pass them through the pasta machine one at a time starting from the thicker size, and pass through the other different sizes until you reach the one that makes the clay about 1,5mm thick (0.05 inches).
Cut both of them to create 2 identical rectangles, as you can see in the pictures.
The Bicolored Rectangle

You now have 2 triangles of each color.
Lay one white triangle on the other and press it a little with your fingers so that they will stick together.
Do the same for the other color.
Now join the 2 different colors triangles together to create a new bicolored rectangle.
Create a Shade

Keep folding your rectangles after passing it through the pasta machine many times (maybe even 20) until the 2 colors mix together and create a shade that goes from white to dark red.

Make 3 cuts that reach the white center on the whole length of your roll.
Look at the pictures to fully understand how the cuts are made. I started with the central one then made the other 2 ones. They look like an M, or a W upside down :D
Cut the Blue Clay

Cut 3 identical strips as long as the white-red roll and as large as the cuts you made in the previous step.
Now insert these 3 strips in the 3 cuts.
It can be quite tricky, but you just need a little patience and you'll do it :)
Close your roll and press it with your fingers to give it the shape of a petal (or a drop).
Make a Long Pyramid

Press them with your fingers to give them a pyramid shape.
Place your big roll between these 2 blue pieces as you can see in the pictures.
The thinnest part of the petal/roll must be the top, the thicker/circular side will be at the bottom, where the 2 blue pieces are.
Now press everything with your fingers to make all pieces stick together and create a long and thick pyramid.
Keep pressing and gently pull it a little at a time to make it longer and longer (and thinner at the same time).
When your pyramid is about 1cm thick (0.39 inches), divide it in 6 equal pieces using a ruler.
Create the Flower

Remember that the red angle of the pyramid must be at the center of the semicircle.
Do the same with the other 3 pieces left.
Now take a small piece of white clay and make a very thin snake out of it.
Make it about 1mm thick (0.03 inches) and as long as the semicircles.
This will be the center of your flower, so place it in the middle of one semicircle and add the other half of the circle on it to close the circle.
Your flower has formed!
Make Many Tiny Flowers

This new roll has to become about 5mm thick (0.19 inches).
Cut out the 2 ends now and start to cut many thin slices from the roll. They have to be about 1mm thick (0.03 inches).
You'll notice that these slices of clay show a tiny flower inside...isn't that nice? :)
Rotate the roll as you cut them and be very gentle and careful because the clay is very soft and the roll may flatten. If it does, the flower will lose its circular shape.
Once you understand the proper way of cutting them, it will be much easier and faster.
Place all your flowers next to each other on a rectangle of blue clay.
Flatten the Flowers

Remember to always start from the thickest size. If you don't, your flowers will stretch too much.
You are finally done when the rectangle is bigger and thin again.
Cover Your Knife

Let's say that you cover a knife, like I did.
Place the grip of your knife on the back of the clay rectangle to figure out about how big the piece of clay you need for it must be.
So cut a piece out of the rectangle, big enough to cover the whole grip of your knife.
Now lay the piece of clay on your knife grip and adjust it with your fingers to be as smooth and adherent to the knife as possible.

You need to find a way to keep the part of the knife you covered with clay up, so that it doesn't touch any surface and the shape won't be ruined. I placed it between 2 bowls, one smaller than the other, as you can see in the picture.
You can do the same, or stick the knife on a potato or find another method :D
When you find the best way to keep the knife up, place it in the oven at 110/120°C - 230F for 15 minutes.
When the time is up, take everything out of the oven and let the knife cool.
You are done!! :)
You can leave it this way now or pass a layer of transparent varnish for Fimo on it to make it shinier.
PS: You can normally wash it in water, but remember that you can't put it in the dishwasher!
PS2: Please vote this instructable if you liked it, I'd really appreciate it :)