Planning a Good Daily Cycle Route.

by killerjackalope in Outside > Bikes

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Planning a Good Daily Cycle Route.

So yet another cycling 'ible from me, this one's been prompted by the fact that I've taken up having a daily cycle in my free time while the weather's good.

The idea is to get a nice daily cycle route, just for the sake of cycling, for both leisure and fitness, cycling's a great way to relax and is also great cardiovascular excercise, better than running, which is bad for your knees over time, that and it's better because you can travel further and have more variation and sceneray changes than from running...

Thinking About Where to Go.

have a think about all the places around you that you could gor for a good cycle, think about cycle paths, parks and forests.

Along with this think of ways to get there and have some recce cycles for your ideas, try new routes for a while until you find one that you really like.

Things to consider are:
*Cycle paths
*Safe roads
*Your own fitness (start simple and build up your fitness as you go along
*Free time (If you don't have alot of it then this can hamper you, making free time is always good though)

How Are You Getting There?

Not by car.

Now that you've got an idea of where you want to go you can start thinking about how to get there.

For example I take a very indirect route, up the road, on to the cycle path for around a mile and a half, up another half mile or so, back in to the park, down through, down through another park, down the road and into stormont, rather than through a street and up the road, I end up coming down towards, it's an enjoyable route with lots of nice places to cycle along the way and everchanging scenery...

You're looking for a route that you can change as you go along to keep things interesting, mine allows me to just choose a different turn and go a completely new way...

About ways to make things more interesting...

Change Your Scenery and Ground Often.

I use a place that has a huge variety of paths winding around it, gravel tracks, tarmac roads, grass and dirt tracks, most of which lead to the top in the end, the idea is to have lot's of variables whne you get to your place.

The place you choose should be interesting itself, I cycle up to the parlaiment buildings here which have alot of very interesting features, nice places to sit and loads of friendly people around, tourists are about often aswell which adds to the amusement...

Relax along the way at different points, stop and take the place in.

Challenge Yourself.

You should be challenged by your route, not killed by it though, still a good challenge make you feel like you've accomplished something every time you do it.

The picture below is of where I cycle, I do that hill three times a day now, it's a really popular place for lots of cyclists, runners and the odd skater, once I saw a guy on a microscooter go down it, not that I was him...

Another great idea is to have a cyling friend or family member, someone who can have a laugh with you and not be over competitive. I generally cycle alone, though get my mum or brothers to come along once in a while, none of them are particularly fond of the big hill...

On we go...

Thrill Yourself or Have Some Fun Anyway...

Along the way you should have some fun and thrills, coming back down that hill, well, it's amazing, going at over 40mph on a bike with zero effort, a little effort and you may take flight though...

Though you don't have to have supersonic bike runs to have fun, I also go by a track with lots of dirt jumps at it, stuff like that, even just a place where you can spoon around doing tricks.

Also a bit of friendly competition makes it interesting here...

Enjoy It.

The whole time just relax and enjoy cycling, pop in the headphones if your good at being aware of surroundings, just chill and think about cycling... Or don't think at all...

Make sure you get a chance to stop somewhere you can go sit like a place with benches, sit catch a breath and have a drink... It always feels good getting back on the bike even after a couple of minutes just sitting...

Good Things to Have With You...

Well on your daily cycle it's good to have in your bag:

*A jacket, for weather changes and wind
*Puncture kit
*Spare tube
*A bottle of water or juice
*A phone
*MP3 or similar
*A bite to eat

this Is a nice little kit by smart

These are just things that are good to have, a spare tube and puncture kit mean you don't have to quit if you wreck a tyre, the phone means if you crash you can always phone a lift or taxi...

Enjoy cycling and have fun.