Periodic Table Lamp

Hii, I am back with a new project.
Today we make Lamp. wait wait wait we see lots of lamp projects here on Instructables.
The difference in this project is we place all Elements s on the periphery of this lamp which helps us to better understand of element table. all elements on the periphery glow by inner light.
This Night lamp is useful for Student researchers and kids to remember the element tables.
Have fun with the project.
Let’s start making.
Assumption: I place Helium near Hydrogen because I don't have more space left on top of the noble gas column.

1> 7 color 2.5 mm Acrylic,Clear acrylic & 2.5 mm MDF
2> Lasercutting machine for acrylic cutting.
3> laptop for design (if you want custom design) else use my design.
4> Glue gun
5> RGB LED strip
Design Periodic Table

- I found this interesting website to learn about the periodic table.
- Web Resources:
- Element symbols get it from the above resources.
- Element Square size 20x20 mm in different colors.
- A whole element table design to fit on the circumference of the pentagon shape.
- Check all images for step-by-step design.
- Draw 118 squares for all elements and place them in per periodic table manner.
- After placing the square, I draw element names as per the periodic table.
Design Pentagon Lamp.

- I want to place a light inside the periodic table lamp and the light will illuminate the element name and color of acrylic.
- Different colors of acrylic represent different element groups.
1> Blue color = Gases
2> Violet color = Alkali metal
3> Orange color =Actenoid & lenthenoid metal
4> Yellow color = Transition metal
5> Green color = Metals
6> Purple color = noble gases & reactive non metal
7> Red color = Alkaline earth metal
8> MDF cuting design
- After making the periodic table in design, I make 5 equal parts of the table and make 5 equal rectangles.
- Extra spaces after placing elements will be cut in MDF to make a whole rectangle.
- I use 5 rectangles of Clear acrylic to stick all 5 sides and support MDF and Elements.
Laser Cutting.

- As per the design and color assigned to different element groups, we make a . DXF file for laser cutting and engrave the element name on the square.
- I attach it all in one DXF file for laser cutting and engraving for elements, MDF, and Clear acrylic.
- I use a 100W CO2 laser to cut different colors of acrylic and MDF.
- We also need to cut the pentagon for the button and the top for support.
Warning: Please Use the LAser cutting machine under the surveillance of an Expert.
Assembly of Part 1.

- For assembly, I separate all elements into their respective group and place elements as per the periodic table.
- Joint all similar squares by using a Glue gun in a Periodic table manner.
- After joining an individual group, I join them on clear acrylic.
- Now we have 5 pieces with elements stuck on the top surface of the acrylic.
Assembly of Part 2

- We place them on the pentagon side by side and stick with the pentagon.
- Now we have Pentagon shape periodic table lamp ready.
But something is missing.⬇⬇⬇⬇

For lighting, we use a Simple White LED strip or RGB LED strip.
I Use an RGB LED strip to illuminate the Night lamp from inside.
I use a triangle board to wrap an LED strip around it.
Attach a triangle to the bottom pentagon.
Place lamp outer part on bottom pentagon nad seal with Glue gun.

Attach the adaptor on the switchboard and switch it on.
It's light it up.
You have a Periodic table lamp ready for use as a desk night lamp in your room.