Penny Racers: Build Your Own 3¢ Lincoln!

by funtogether in Living > Toys & Games

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Penny Racers: Build Your Own 3¢ Lincoln!


Although the design is extremely simple, and easy to make, the "Penny Racer" is an entertaining toy that can be spun like a top (almost), used to play games, and raced with other Penny Racers. Made with $.03 and some hot glue, the Penny Racer is a fun pocket-sized entertainer. One of the first big toys among American boys was the marble. Then there was the Hot Wheel. Now I hope to transform the American boy's world, by giving him an equally fun racer, that can be made at home! Enjoy!


  • A Hot Glue Gun w/ Hot Glue (I used hot glue for the sake of time, but it does come undone easily. Another glue would probably work better, but, as I said, I used hot glue for the sake of time.)
  • Three Pennies
  • Vinegar To Clean The Coins (optional)
  • Imagination (also optional, but highly recommended)

Assemble the Penny Racer


Take one of your coins, and place a bit of hot glue in the center of it. Before the hot glue dries press a different coin's edge into the hot glue, so that it stands upright. Make sure that it is perpendicular to the first penny. Repeat this process for the opposite side of the vertical penny.

Yes! It was that simple. Now you can build more and play with them! To see what you can do with them click the next button.

How to Use Them


To launch the Penny Racer, pinch the middle penny between your thumb and index finger. Next, move the racer quickly, horizontal to a flat, hard surface, and release when you have reached your desired speed.

To spin the Penny Racers, place it on a hard surface. Next, place your index finger on the top of one of the wheels and press down firmly. The racer should squeeze out from under your finger and spin for a short amount of time.

If this were all you could do with your racer, you would be bored in a short amount of time. Fortunately, you can also race your racers (obviously!). Gather several friends together with their racers and set the racers at the top of an incline. On the count of three, release your racers and see which reaches the bottom first. You can also judge by how far a racer goes.

Have fun using your Penny Racers, and discovering new things to do with them!

Note: You can also use this to make a rugged outdoor case for the Penny Racers!