Penguins in Party Hats

by ModMischief in Cooking > Snacks & Appetizers

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Penguins in Party Hats

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April 2010 047.jpg
April 2010 099.jpg
These hors d'oeuvres know how to have a good time!

Adorable appetizers for any occasion, olive penguins are perfect for your next party.

When I saw these cuties on Once Upon a Plate I knew I had to give them a try, but there was one thing I had to fix. The Vlad the Impaler look wasn't really what I was going for at my little soiree, so I needed a way to disguise the toothpick sticking out of the poor penguins' heads.

What could be more festive than pompom party hats?!?

What You'll Need

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April 2010 043.jpg
April 2010 072.jpg
Yummy parts:
Jumbo pitted ripe olives
Regular pitted ripe olives
Carrot, peeled and cut into rounds
Cream cheese

Not-so-yummy parts:

Pompom skewers or toothpicks (mine came from a cocktail kit but you could easily glue pompoms to regular bamboo skewers)
Card stock or craft paper
Clear scotch tape

Circle cutter or punch (optional)

First Step: Party Hats!

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April 2010 078.jpg
Cut out a small paper circle (about 1" or  2.5cm diameter) then cut the circle in half.

Roll the piece of paper into a cone shape and secure it with a small piece of tape.

Thread the paper cone onto your pompom skewer and set it aside.

In the Kitchen...

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Cut a wedge out of the large olive and eat the slice; you deserve a treat after all that hat making.

Stuff the olive with cream cheese and smooth it down with a knife or your finger. For a ruffled tuxedo shirt, you could pipe in the cheese with an icing bag.

Cut a small triangle out of the carrot, this will be your penguin's beak and the remainder will be his feet.

Make a small incision in the little olive and insert the carrot beak to complete the head.

*Please note that other recipes for olive penguins are available on several websites including, and peaslovecarrots

Putting It All Together

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With the pompom hat skewer, pierce the head, body and finally the carrot feet.

Go medieval on the poor little guy and run that wooden stake right through him.

Using your scissors, cut off the extra length of the skewer.

Party On!

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April 2010 045.jpg
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April 2010 059.jpg
Wow your guests and impress your friends!

Display the penguins marching along or have them wobble like drunks around the deviled eggs.