Paper Beads Necklace

Here is a project for which you can use scraps of paper or old magazines.

If you wish to see how I made the necklace, I invite you to watch this video.

For this project you'll need :
- paper
- ruler
- pencil
- glue
- knitting needle or skewer
Start by measuring and marking the width of your beads.
Trace & Cut

You need to create a triangle.
In order to do so trace a rectangle, mark the middle on one of the short sides and using that as a guide trace your triangle. You can also create right angle triangles, of course. The space between your triangles will be more triangles that you can use for your beads.

The next step is rolling your paper.
Take your needle or skewer, place it at the base of your triangle and start rolling the paper tightly. When you reach the end add a bit of glue.

You can create different sizes and colours of beads. Experiment with all sorts of papers and patterns.

Before using your beads add a protective layer of varnish (Mod Podge or Decopatch glue) to waterproof them.
Start Your Necklace

Choose the beads you wish to use for your necklace.
You'll also need: a tassel, some findings, thread and pliers.

Thread your beads.
Start with the tassel and continue with the smaller bead.
Pass the right end of the thread through the bead then pass the left end as well. Continue until you thread all your beads.
Add the findings and you're done.
Bonus: Earrings

To create a pair of matching earrings choose 2 similar beads and take 2 headpins and 2 fish hooks.
Pass the head pins through the beads, roll the ends and fix the fish hooks. Easy peasy!
Wear Them

Enjoy your paper accessories and wear them :)