Pallet Scarecrow/Snowman
by davethewoodworker in Workshop > Woodworking
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Pallet Scarecrow/Snowman

Today we are making a Pallet project, one is for Fall and the other for Winter. It's Reversible, so you can use the Scarecrow side for Fall and the Snowman side for Winter. It's a easy project to make, anybody can make this in a weekend.
What You Will Need
3 or 4 old pallet boards
Titebond II outdoor glue
Tablesaw or jointer
Nail gun or nails and hammer
Painters tape
Black Paint
White Paint
Brown Paint
Wood Stain ( I used Minwax Ipswich Pine)
Paint Brushes
Craft Paints ( I used Black, Orange, Yellow and Rose)
Get Boards Ready

Disassemble your pallet, all you will need is 3 or 4 boards, for the width that you want, I used 3 boards. Then ripped down a couple pieces for the angle pieces of the Hats. Mine was roughly 2 1/8" wide by 19 1/2" long.

Now take the 3 or 4 boards and glue them together, be sure and wipe the glue off before drying,( the squeeze out on both sides.) Now set aside and let dry.

After the glue has dried, take out of the clamps.
I sanded mine with 120 grit sandpaper, just to knock off some of the roughness. This is optional.
Attach Extra Piece

Now attach the extra piece of wood, at a angle as shown in the pictures. My board measured 2 1/8" wide by 19 1/2" long. This will vary on how wide you made your other piece, mine was 10" wide. I attached with glue and nails.
Paint the Hat

Now take some Blue painters tape and mask off as shown in the pictures. Paint one side wih Black paint and the other with Brown. Now let these dry before continuing.
You can use other colors, this is what I thought would look best.
Paint the Body

Now is time to Stain and paint the bodies. I used Minwax Ipswich Pine stain on the Brown hat side and white paint on the Black hat side. I also used some of the white paint on the Black hat to look like snow on it.
I used Stain for the Scarecrow side, but you could use Paint if you wanted too.
Paint the Faces

After letting your Stain or Paint dry, now is time for the faces. I first used a pencil to make a outline of what I wanted. Then I used Craft paint, I used Black for the eyes and mouth, used Orange for the noses. I also used some Rose color the Snowman cheeks. You don't see this in the pictures, but I painted a couple of patches on the Scarecrow Hat.

Now you have yourself 2 decorations, one for Fall and one for Winter. Thanks for checking out my Instructable.