PVC Pipe RC Plane

(beginner in aeromodelling)
actually i wanted to make a rc plane as begginer i made a cardboard rc plane but it got really heavy n got failed in lifting.so after that i started to find out some slow stick type of plane which is quite light but getting their parts was difficult in our city. after that i decided to make a plane with fuselage as pvc pipe instead of slow stick and it get easy to build than foam board and thermacoal planes. We had a 3d printer in our collage n old radio control n motors. this pvc pipe can be assembled n disassembled too. so begginer can also learn assembling the rc plane
1.bldc motor (1000kv)
2.propeller (10*4.5)
3.30 Amp esc
4. 3s li-po battery (2200mah)
5. radio control system
6.3d printer with PLA
7.coro sheet
8. electrical cashing capping
9.4*SG90 servo motors
10.GI wires bandable(2 feet)
12.toys wheels
Take a Pvc Pipe of 20mm Diameter and Length of 84 Cm and Cut Out a Piece of 17 Cm From Taken Pipe.

Now We Have Two 67cm and 17 Cm Pieces of Pipe Where 1st Will Be Used As Mounting Motor, Landing Gears, Base for Wing and 2nd One for Stablizers.
Now We Have to Take the Coro Sheet for Wings Dimention Mentioned in Given Pictures N a Electrical Cashing Capping Stick It at 1/4th of Chord From Starting or Follow the Dimensions

Now Covering Side Will Be Cut From Middle N Cover It Using Superglue. Have a Partner for Perfection

Cut Out of Thin Card Bord or Coro Sheet As Given Sizes ,slighty Cut Control Surfacesn N Make It Free to Bend

Cut the Pvc Pipe Edges and Fit the Control Surfaces in the Cuts and Stick Them Together Perpendiculer to Each N Glue It ,mount Servos on Stablizers.

Now Lets Come on to Fusion N Start to Design the Motor Mount, Landing Gears ,base for Wings As You Can Get the Little Bit of Different Diameter of Pvc So Take These Design N Picturs As Reference for Strong N Less Weight

Mount the Motor Mounter at the Nose of Long PVC Part N Screw It or Use GI Wire by the Side to Fix It

Now Insert the Landing Gear Into Pvc Near the Motor Mount. Now to Fix It We Use Stright Long GI Wire in Such a Way Around the Frame of Landing Gear So It Get Fixed Using Threads With Super Glue

Try to Get Light Wheels But I Used Normal Wheels N Used Heat Sink Tube So Wheels Dont Get Out

For Wing Base Use the Printed Base With GI Wires in Such a Way So Wing Can Be Placed Perfectly Tighted With Rubber Bands, Use Pictures As Reference.

Now Its Time to Join Join the 1st and 2nd Part Using Printed Joint or You Could Do Whole Pvc Having All Components in One Pvc N Scew It to Fix Use Red Line As Reference So All Componnent Can Be in a Line

I Designed the End Joint in Such a Way So Tail Support Wheel Can Be Attached for Less Friction. and Used GI Wire to Attach Small Wooden Wheel

Now Set the Motor ,wings Using Rubber Band and Connections With Battery and Receiver
Make a Coro Sheet or Cardboard Small Box for Li Po Battery and Attach It at That Place So Centre of Gravity Is at 1/4th of Chord or Liitle Toward the Nose

Now All Set to Fly in the Sky and I Made It to Fly