PVC Pipe Football Goal

Hello, I created a football goal out of PVC pipe for a Super Bowl program at the local library where I work. We wanted something large enough that kids that came to our program could kick foam footballs through it to earn a prize, but also something that could easily be broken down for storage. We were initially going to purchase something similar off amazon, but everything we found was $40+ and had horrible reviews regarding durability of the goal. We decided that we could make our own out of PVC pipe for a fraction of the price that would be durable enough to use multiple times.
My final product was about 4 feet tall, which was the perfect height for the kids that came to our program. You can also scale this design down to make a tabletop version which makes a great party decoration!

- 7 - 3/4 inch x 2 foot PVC pipe cut into the following sizes:
- 3 - 2 foot pieces
- 8 - 1 foot pieces
- 2 - 3/4 inch PVC elbow connectors
- 4 - 3/4 inch PVC tee connectors
- 6 - 3/4 inch PVC socket caps
- PVC adhesive (optional)
- Yellow spray paint (or whatever color you want your football goal to be!)
- PVC pipe cutter
- Tape measure
Put Together Your PVC Pieces
For the goal post you'll need 3 - 2 foot lengths of PVC, 2 - 1 foot lengths of PVC, 1 tee connector, 2 elbow connectors, and 2 socket caps.
For the base you'll need the remaining 6 - 1 foot lengths of PVC, 3 tee connectors, and 4 socket caps.
You can use the PVC adhesive to adhere the pieces together, or you can leave them loose for to make it easy to break down and store. I chose to leave mine loose.
I’ve included visuals with the different pieces labeled for reference.

Now its time to paint! I used a large piece of cardboard to paint on so that I didn't get paint on the concrete.
Start by spray painting your goal post and base one side at a time. Once you do a layer of spray paint, allow to dry completely before adding another layer. It took about 3 layers of spray paint to get the my desired coverage.
Once the first side is dried, flip it over and repeat these steps to paint the other side!
Final Assembly!

Once the goal post and base are completely painted and dry its time to put your two pieces together to make the final product! Once again you can use PVC adhesive to adhere these two together.
And you're done! Enjoy your new kid sized football goal!