PVC Dog Washer - Self Standing
by SpecificLove in Living > Pets
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PVC Dog Washer - Self Standing

PVC Dog Washer
I was inspired by member zowzow and his/her handheld dog washer. That is a great idea, but I wanted something that was self standing, so I came up with this:
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Have you ever tried to wash a dog and he constantly tries to run away when the water hits him? Or you wish you had a third hand to hold the water hose?
Well here is a great way to wash your dog quickly outside.
This is an easy to build PVC Dog Washer made with all 1/2 inch PVC pipe and fittings.
It is a self standing cube, so you can have both hands on the dog at all times.
Here are the items needed:
- 8 corner connectors
- 4 pipes 24 inches long
- 4 pipes 18 inches long
- 3 pipes 9 inches long
- 2 pipes 4 inches long
- 1 pipe 2 inches long
- 1 T-connector
- Hose adaptor
- Drill and small 1/16 inch bit
- Marker
- PVC Cement
- Tape
Lets first begin with laying out the pipe and drilling some holes. The bit needs to be about 1/16 of an inch.
The 18 and 24-inch pipes will each have 5 holes. Measuring from one end of each pipe, place a small dot with a maker at 3-inch intervals until you have 5 marks. Drill a hole at each mark.
Now using the corner connectors, lets make 2 rectangles with the 18 and 24-inch pipes. Make sure to have the holes facing inward. Also with the 24-inch pipes, you need to place the nondrilled ends at the bottom of the rectangle.
Next, add the 4-inch pipes to the sides of the T-connector and the 2-inch pipe to the bottom. The hose adaptor attaches to the 2-inch pipe.
Finally connect the 2 rectangles together using the 9-inch pieces and the T-connector set with the hose adaptor facing out.
I ended up with 40 holes spraying from all directions. Depending on your water pressure you may be able to have more holes. If you have less pressure, add some tape over a few of the holes. The highest pressure comes from the holes on the bottom, which helps to wash those hard to reach places underneath the dog.
This is a great tool for any dog owner. If your dog is larger or smaller, just adjust the size of the pipes. And if you wish, you can also add an on/off valve just before the hose to control the water easier.
And once you are done washing the dog, you can let the kids have some fun playing in the water too.
Just make sure they don’t get any ideas about washing the cat.
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