PVC Cat Hammock With Toys

by SpecificLove in Living > Pets

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PVC Cat Hammock With Toys

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PVC Cat Hammock with Toys

In this Instructable, I will show you how to make a PVC Cat Hammock (cat bed) with toys.

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My son's cat is very loveable and will make friends with anybody, but I felt that he is a little deprived in the comfort department. He is an outside cat and usually spends his time relaxing by stretching out on our front porch.

So I wanted to make him a simple hammock with a couple play toys for his enjoyment.

The hammock is very simple to construct. I used all 1/2 inch PVC. I will list the needed materials in the description:









Corner x 4

T’s x 3

90-degree x 2

45-degree x 1


PVC cement


The structure is simple but there are several pieces that need to be in the correct position.

I first connected the side 12” pipes and the corner pieces. The 14.5” pipe is then attached to a T connector and a 1.5” pipe for the front of the frame. The back uses a 12” pipe with a T and a 1.5” pipe on each side. You can then add the 6” leg pipes.

For the hammock’s material, I cut the leg off one of my old sweat pants. You can use almost any sturdy fabric. The fabric should be a little wider than the frame on all sides. This allows you to wrap it over the pipe to secure it in place. I attached the fabric at the corners of the frame with safety pins, so that the cat would sink into the middle comfortably. I also added a pin on each side for added support, but the fabric was left loose. And since we used safety pins, it can be removed easily for washing.


To add some enjoyment, I wanted a spinning cylinder attached to the PVC. I originally thought of gluing some rope to a 1-inch PVC pipe which will work, but while at the local dollar store, found these great paint rollers. They are covered in a sturdy and yet soft fabric. The center is a hard plastic which will spin freely on the PVC. And since they are only a dollar apiece, I got an extra one for future replacement.

To connect the first toy, you will need two 2” pipes, two elbows, and a 12” pipe. They attach to the frame side with the 2 T’s. Do not glue these connections so you can wash or replace the rollers.


For a second toy, I first added a 6” pipe for an extension arm with a 45-degree elbow and 3” pipe so I could attach the “mouse on a sting” toy. It dangles to one side of the bed. It is simple and yet effective. You can always adjust the length of the PVC to add any toy you would like.

And there you have it, a great cat hammock that any cat would enjoy.

It did take a couple of days for our cat to find it appealing, so you may need to introduce your cats to it slowly. We used a little food to help with the introduction. After a while you will find your cat lounging in its new hammock.

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