Hard to believe this pristine beach has tons of iron in the sand ! !
Gold Beach in Oregon had a lot more Iron in the sand 20 years ago.
This instructable shows you how to separate and collect the Gold Beach Iron using a simple Magnet.
Gold Beach in Oregon had a lot more Iron in the sand 20 years ago.
This instructable shows you how to separate and collect the Gold Beach Iron using a simple Magnet.

Harbor Freight sells a magnetic pick-up and drop tool for under $10 dollars.
A dry soda bottle makes a convenient container for holding the iron fillings.
A dry soda bottle makes a convenient container for holding the iron fillings.
PULLING Iron From 'Gold Beach'

See the Magnet action being performed to separate Iron from Sand ..
Seperation of IRON From Sand

Trowel and slide the magnetic head through dry loose sand and let it collect everything it can hold..
- Drop the bundle of Sand and Iron on a flat rock see picture 1 & 2
- Pick the Iron out of the Sand on the first rock see picture 3
- Drop the Iron and sand on a second flat rock see picture 4
- Pick the Iron out of the sand on the second rock see picture 5
- Drop the Iron and tiny bit of sand on the third flat rock see picture 6
- Take the IRON filings and place them in a collection bottle see video
IRON in a Bottle

Here I removed 200 g of filings from the bottle, in order to demonstrate the magnetic attraction.
Where Does Ocean Iron Come From ?

Iron is found in sand all over this world some sites like Gold-Beach Oregon have a lot
and some almost non at all..
NASA estimates forty metric tons of dust some of them Iron, pepper this planet each day.
You can find Iron in national Forrests, on sandy paths or your own back yard.
There are other theories and religious texts that espouse different reasoning..
I cannot tell which is the actual but the Iron is here for those who want it..
and some almost non at all..
NASA estimates forty metric tons of dust some of them Iron, pepper this planet each day.
You can find Iron in national Forrests, on sandy paths or your own back yard.
There are other theories and religious texts that espouse different reasoning..
I cannot tell which is the actual but the Iron is here for those who want it..

When Iron filings and Magnets get near each other
there is a strong mutual attraction.
Here are some Fun suspensions using an old lamp clamp and two magnets
in addition to the collected Iron sand filings.
there is a strong mutual attraction.
Here are some Fun suspensions using an old lamp clamp and two magnets
in addition to the collected Iron sand filings.