Origami Post-it Box

This is a tidy little box that is cool yet useful. It's also a great way to recycle all of your used sticky notes at work. Just make sure the boss isn't watching.
You will need:
Square sticky notes
a pen
your hands
You will need:
Square sticky notes
a pen
your hands
Peel Off a Sticky Note With the Sticky Part Up.

Fold From Point to Point in Half

Then Fold in Half Again From Point to Point.

Take All 4 Points and Fold to Center.

It Should Look Like This.

Now Fold to First Crease From Point and Do This on All Four Points.

It Should Look Like This Now. You Will Notice That There Are Four Squares Near the Center That Make a Square, This Is the Bottom of Your Box.

Fold the Point to the First Crease and Do This on All Four Points.

This Is What You Will Have When You FLIP IT OVER.

Remember the Four Squres in the Middle? You Will Cut on the Crease to the Corner of the Four Squares. You Will Do FOUR Cuts on TWO Opposing Ends.

Look Closely at the Cuts. There Are Only FOUR.

Fold in to Make the Side.

Now Fold the Opposite Side As Shown. You Should Have Two Points Touching Inside and the General Shape of the Box With Two Tabs Sticking Out.

The Two Tabs Will Then Be Folded in to Create the Remaining Sides. All Points Should Be at the Bottom of the Box Touching With No Overlap.

Now Take Your Trusty Uhaul Pen and Flatten the Edges of the Box. Done!

You can make two and have a lidded box.
- If you're smarter than the average bear you'll figure out how to do it without the cuts.