Organic Feriliser From Kitchen Refuse

by radiorental in Living > Homesteading

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Organic Feriliser From Kitchen Refuse

Using everyday organic kitchen refuse I'll go over a couple of ways you can distribute the left-over matter in to the garden. Essentially re-using waste from the kitchen to make food.

If you dont already compost, what you'll need is a way to collect all the stuff you'd normally throw in the thrash. You could build a system similar to the happy farmer composter which I first heard about on treehugger no less!

You could build a bucket similar to the Happy Farmer design, however its hard to beat the purpose made off-the-shelf handiness of the design. Dealing with kitchen waste is not a pretty job, and getting the 'juice' (detailed later) is a hair's width short of requiring a hazmat suit.

Ok, on to the good stuff....

Kitchen Waste, Storage

What makes in to the compost and what goes to the landfill? That all really depends on how much dirt you own/rent to compost with.

There are various takes on this, and frankly... as far as I'm concerned, If its not paper, plastic, metal or glass... it probably belongs in the composter.

We started with a pint sized container beside the sink for ease-of-use in the first leg of the process.

When the kitchen top container get full, throw its contents in to the Happy farmer bucket and sprinkle on some Bokashi. You dont need to use the bio fermenting aid but it pretty much doubles the juice output of the bucket. There's instructions on happy farmer's site about making your own additive.

Fertilizing With a Sprinkler System

I re-purposed Miracle Grow in-line fertilizing container and filled it with undiluted kitchen juice. Connected it to a sprinkler hose, thats a porous hose you lay down in between the plants.

Fertilizing With In-ground Water Dispensers

I got these garden water dispensers from Harbor Freight at 6 for 99c. Mix about 1/3rd kitchen juice to water. Vine plants prefer nutrients straight in to the roots.

The Fruits of Your Labour.

Some photos of the garden and produce