One Armed Self Care.
I never saw the point (even in Utero)(besides balance and part redundancy) of two arms, so I didn't bother growing the second.
This has caused me to have to learn to do everything a little, sometimes a lot different from the rest of the population. Having taken to videoing myself doing many of my daily activities.
I'm recording myself in an effort to try and combat Ableism.
Taking care of myself created a bunch of videos. So I have and will continue to compile all my self care videos here for easier access to those that may just now be learning how to live the pirate life.
If you have a request for one armed DIY's and life hacks, just ask in the comments hear or on YouTube and I'll do what I can.
Tie Your Shoes.
No worries this is easy. And practice for the bow tie.
Trim Your Nails
Feet are hands, use them.
Put Lotion on Your Hand.
Feet are hands to, use them.
Tie a Neck Tie
Nothing like tying your shoes.
Tying a Bow Tie
You have been Challenged.
Handle Bar Mustache.

Check out the instructables on how to make the wax.
Change You Sheets.
I can't help you fold those elastic loaded sheets but here is how to put them on your bed. By the way I designed and built both the bed and crib in the video.
Open a Stuck Jar.
opining a unstuck jar is the same but without the bike inner tube.
Zippers, Buttons & Velcro
I like Buttons and Velcro; but avoid zippers when possible.
Trimming Beard and Mustache.
Get yourself a Quality trimmer.