Obsydian Pendant

This is the first time that I try to make a Jewel. An Osbydian pendant entirely from scratch.
I've always been amazed by Obsydian. It's a natural volcanic glass formed when lava extruded from a volcano cools very fast. It has been known since long time... Used as tip of the arrows in prehistoric times, as so much more sharp than the glass. In crystal-therapy, it is also used as protective stone. Known as a powerful connector between spititual and matter. Always been known as shaman stone, it may stimulate the gift of prophesy and may boost precognition.
My cats Merlino and Sibilla are also interested by the stone, They kindly helped me during all the making steps.
Patience is the key, and good copper (or aluminium) wires.
I bought a big obsydian stone for few euros, with the intention to make a cabochon pendant.
Patience, the Stone, the Key

First of all, USE A RESPIRATOR MASK and working goggles! As it's well known, glass powder is extremely unwanted and DANGEROUS..
My Dremel helped a lot to cut the stone. I kept the stone costantly wet with water during all the time to avoid a break due to the heat. I used a small 35mm diamond disk at high speed. I firstly drawed a shape with a pencil, so I tried to strictly follow the line. I had also to make it thinner.. I used a vice. I put also a piece of tissue between the stone and the steel for a gentle fixing.
Well, It's a long process. As I do not have a big diamond jewelry dish I had to be very patience. After giving a shape I started rounding all the sides. Once I was satisfied, I started gritting with a 1500 sandpaper grit.
I used also a car polish powder to polish the piece. All these steps are simple, but requires a lot of precision, and small adjustments in gritting.
The Stone Polished

After 45 minutes of polishing with a car polish powder and drill at max speed, I finally obtained a nice and clean stone. I'm truly satisfied with the result. I cannot make a mirror effect, as I do not have a professional tumbler.
But the result effect is still great.
The Frame (the Difficult Part)

I found tons of tutorials on youtube, with different shapes and materials.
I was forced to use some copper wires recovered from a couple of old motors.
First of all I had to clean the copper wire from the insulation. I just past the wires over the gas stove to burn the insulation. Then I cleaned the black residuals with water and sponge.
Then I used 4 pieces of 45cm per 1,2mm wire and more than 2mt of 0,6mm.
I won't explain the "texture" as there are so many tutorials on youtube, just choose the one that you like more.
The tricky part is to tighten correctly the stone between the frame.
Enjoy the Pendant

Unfortunately, I ruined a bit the three frontal diagonal wires. They are not straight anymore, and they have some punch. But I'm still satisfied as first result. I guess I maybe do better next time.
N.B. I'm making some try to make the diagonal wires "intentionally" punched. I'll make some try with a piece of copper wire, and if I'll be satisfied, I'll go to apply to the pendant. Another option could be an "antiqued" effect. Same here, I'll make some try and I'll check the result.
The entire process toke long time, kind of an entire spare day.. from cutting the stone, until the final pendant result.
If you find me in any contest and you liked the work, please give a vote.