Nikola the Rocket Slug!

This is a kind of 3D-printed toy car that uses a rather small rocket engine to propel itself. I originally designed it to simply roll on the ground, however I found that it tends to fly into the air, do a few flips, and often stick the landing! Although this is not what I originally designed it for, I was relatively satisfied with it's performance. However, before I go on, I should mention that although I enjoyed the unpredictability and surprise of this project, it can be VERY DANGEROUS and should be used with extreme safety precautions, for what happened when I tested, for better or worse, may not happen when you test it, so please use at YOUR OWN RISK. I thought it looked a little like a slug when I finished designing it, so I decided to add a face to the front to play into that theme. I hope you enjoy this project!

3D Printer PLA/3D Printer
A10-3T Model Rocket Motor
4x 10mm Bore Ball Bearings
Any strong glue that can bond PLA plastic and metal
3D Print Main Body

Download the main part of the rocket slug I designed in Autodesk Tinkercad below, and 3D print it with the following settings:
- 100% Infill
- 0.28 mm layer lines
- Tree supports, though only touching build plate
Although these settings worked well for me and my Ender 3 V2, if you have a different printer, I highly recommend finding the settings that work best for you.
Attach Ball Bearings
Next, attach the ball bearings by putting glue on the axle-like rods on the bottom of the slug and sliding the ball bearings on. I used hot glue, which worked well most of the time. However, in one test the ball bearing came off, so you may want to experiment with a stronger glue, or at least use more glue than I did.
Insert Rocket Motor and Ignitor

Slide the A10-3T rocket motor into the lower hole on the slug. Then insert the igniter, followed by the plastic plug, both of which should be included in the rocket engine pack.
Prepare for Ignition

Find a flat, non-flammable area away from people. Clip on your model rocket igniter, take several steps back, and insert the safety pin.

Cross your fingers, take a deep breath, and press the button!
REMEMBER, when the slug appears to be finished, don't come near until it has farted out a small ejection charge!
I apologize for the lack of camera quality in the videos.