Nefertiti "Eye" Hat

I suppose I fancy myself Queen of my castle. Every queen wears a crown here is how I built my crown.
- yoga mat (non sticky anymore)
- worbla
- paint gold braid/trim
- plastidip ( you should get a respirator)
- Craft Paint in various colors
- Teensy 3.1 ( this was an old board laying around Check the Adfruit site to use a different controller)
- TFT Display (cheaper than the oled,
- 1.5" Acrylic cabochons (half-spheres)
- battery charger
- Lipoly Battery
- 10K resistor
- on/off switch
- Soldering iron and paraphernalia
- 28 gauge ribbon cable
Make the HAT

I used a paper template to cutout the shape of the hat from my old yoga mat. I'm going to tell you right now BEFORE you get started, this was the WORST possible material for this hat (it is H-O-T)!!! I suggestst you make this from some breathable material. Using materials that you happen to have on hand sometimes goes sideways.
Before painting it will need a good priming. Bring on the plastidip... I really needed a respirator!! The paints are craft acryllic from the craft store.
Sign of the Times

After a pretty decent sketch I proceded to learn how to use worbla. (with mixed results...) Some people are doing AMAZING things with worbla. I am not one of those people. That said, I was pretty happy with my creation. So I guilded it ( painted it gold) and attached it.
This Is How EYE Roll

So I'm guessing that title caused an eyeroll on your part! I couldn't resist.
I sourced this entire project from Adafruit . There are many versions of this project detailed there. Also updated versions using newer boards. So have a look and adjust your project accordingly.
Included is the exact pinout I used to make this work. I am not going to list all of the code as it is all on the site and you may decide to use a different microcontroller. Feel free to have a look here.
This really needed a 3d printed enclosure but I didnt hace one ath the time, so I sealed/moisture proffed the board.
I will list a few of the things that had me scratching my head. ( you are welcome )
- If using a ribbon cable as shown above, write down your own legend that maps wire colors (or wire numbers if single-colored cable) to pin functions ( have a look at my pinout diagram)
- The display arrive with a plastic sheet on it. Keep this in place when soldering but remove it once you’re done.
- Do not install the Adafruit_GFX, Adafruit_SSD1351 or Adafruit_ST7735 libraries offered by the Teensyduino installer. Use the Arduino Library Manager or install these manually from Github code. The Teensyduino-installed libraries sometimes diverge from the latest Adafruit code and might prevent this project from compiling.
- Wanting to test with a breadboard first? Solder x-tra long ribbon cables (8 inches to Pin headers to use on a bread board
All Hail

Once assembled I invited a few friends over to bow down to me as their self appointed ruler. To make sure that they would show up, I laid in great wine and snacks.
I also got to wear it to a Halloween party given by the Mardi Gras Krewe of Nefertiti. I joined the krewe after their greaty party, they are a wonderful group of ladies!