Natural-Look Bird Feeder

Do you know that there always a miracle of giving? Yeah, it doesn't matter how big it is, giving always make us happy.
Now, it's time for the birds. Give the birds seeds, will make our garden/house have a nature-friendly-look.
Here's how.
You Need

Small plastic cup
Imagine the Shape

Imagine the shape.
I believe we have a different of that 'natural-look'. So, build your imagination and start tie the branches.
Remember the Space

Don't tie it to fast.
Remember, we need a space for placing the plastic cup. So, make sure you already remember it.
You Need to Know

I don't think to make a hanging bird feeder. So, I make it like a lamp-pole. I'll stick it to the ground.
Stick It!

Stick it to the ground. I stick my bird feeder to the plant pot. I love it, because it looks like a hidden treasure. Branches and the plants blend really well.

I believe you'll make it better than me. So, share your experience to me too. Tell me if the birds already eat your seeds.
Thank you for coming to my home. Don't miss the another project from me.