Nascar Cribbage Board

Know someone who plays cribbage and loves Nascar? Try making them a Nascar themed cribbage board.
I made this at TechShop
Materials & Equipment
Laser cutter (my TechShop has a Trotec Speedy 300)
1/4" thick 3-1/2" x 7" poplar board
1/8" thick 3-1/2" x 7" walnut board
150 grit sandpaper
Spray acrylic
Red and blue paint
This instructable assumes some basic familiarity with CorelDraw and a laser cutter.
Draw Basic Track Lines

Add a Finish Line

Add a Gazillion Holes

Design the Infield

The infield consists of two rows of text ("Monster Mile" and "Dover International Speedway"). Select a font you like and size them appropriately. I found some clipart for the checkered flags, and resized it to fit well. Often there are additional holes in the middle to store the pegs, so add four holes to the bottom middle. The last addition is a slightly larger oval around the entire track which will become the cut line for the outer perimeter of the board. Finally, make sure that all cut lines (the holes and the outermost oval) are set to red and hairline width so that the laser will know to cut them. Convert all other lines and text to black for engraving.
Create the Raised Track

Laser Cut the Pieces

Sand, Seal, Sand, Seal, Glue

Now it is time to start the sand and seal cycle. Sand each of the pieces with 150 grit sandpaper then spray with acrylic. Once dry, repeat again until you get an attractive finish. In the end I glued the top track piece to the base with superglue, but you could use any wood glue as well.
Make Some Pegs

I decided to make the pegs out of some decorative toothpicks. Paint the tops of two red and the other two blue. Once dry, spray with the acrylic to help protect them. Cut them to length and bevel the ends with some sandpaper so that they fit in the holes. Now you are done and can start playing!