Nana's Play Dough

by Lorddrake in Craft > Clay

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Nana's Play Dough

intro sculptures.JPG
intro - recipe.JPG
intro hard at work.JPG

A quick and easy playdough that the kids can help you make.

As long as it is stored properly it will last for quite a long time before it gets too hard to play with.

Since the ingredients are all common cooking ingredients, you don't have to worry if one of the kids decides to take a bite of the "cookie" they made. 

It will just taste really gross. 

Don't ask me how I know.....

Assemble Your Ingredients

1 flour.JPG
1 flour 2.JPG
1 water.JPG
1 salt.JPG
1 oil.JPG
1 cream of tatar.JPG
1 cup warm Water
1 cup Flour
2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
1 teaspoon Vegetable Oil
1/4 cup Salt
food coloring

In a saucepan over medium heat combine the ingredients.

If you want you can whisk the ingredients together to get them combined with no lumps, but it will soon thicken to the point that you will need to switch to a wooden spoon to continue stirring.

Cooking the Dough

2 stir.JPG
2 coloring.JPG
2 coloring 2.JPG
2 thickening.JPG
2 forming a ball.JPG
Before the dough starts to thicken you can add the food coloring.

Continue to stir until the dough forms a ball in the pan.

Remove the dough from the heat.

Getting the Cooked Dough Ready

3 on the mat 2.JPG
3 kneeding.JPG
Pour the dough out of the pan and onto a work surface.

Knead the dough until smooth.  This is a step best left to the adults since the dough will still be very warm at this point.  By the time you have the dough kneaded smooth it should be cool enough for the kids to handle.

Play and Storage

4 play.JPG
4 storage.JPG
Now comes the hard part .. deciding what to make first.

When you are done playing, store the dough in an airtight container or sandwich bag.