Multi-function Stone Fire Pit

by redeyes48 in Outside > Backyard

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Multi-function Stone Fire Pit

#0 One pit 5 Set ups.jpg
#1 Clearing the area.jpeg
#2 leveling the ground.jpeg
#3 Putting down the pavers gravel.jpg
#4 Level the entire circle area.jpg
#5 Stomping the gravel.jpg
#6 Add sand and level pit area.jpg
#7 Leveling the first level of pit.jpg
#8 Measuring to set up rings.jpg
#9 Building the pit and outer rings.jpeg
#10 Adding the river stones.jpg
#11 Wood grate.jpeg
#12 Pit set up.jpeg
#13 Pit with cooking grill grate.jpeg
#14 Pit Rotisserie set up.jpeg
#15 Rotisserie handle set up.jpeg
#16 Rotisserie rod holders.jpeg
#17 Stone holes.jpeg
#18 Rotisserie rod holder set up.jpeg
#19 rod tip.jpeg
#20 Pit with glass top.jpeg
#21 Pit with umbrella.jpeg
dowel pieces.jpg
Leveling sand.jpg
Paver base.jpg
Rotisserie parts.jpg
Small river rocks.jpg

I'll show you how to build an eye-stopping 4ft diameter stone fire pit that can function as a fire pit, a barbecue grill, a rotisserie, a table and with an umbrella set up. Follow the photos as I describe the steps to be taken.


STEP ONE: select an area without overhanging tree branches. You will be clearing an area that is 8 feet in diameter. If you have grass like I do, you will need a 7" scrapper to remove grass and roots (Home Depot) The end result should be an area with nothing but dirt. First, you need to make the circle.

HOW TO MAKE THE CIRCLE: Recommend getting five small size rebars (3/8" X 24") in order to establish the perimeter of your circle. Establish the center of your pit and hammer one of the rebars. Place the other four in North, South, East and West spots. Hammer them into the ground 4 ft. away from the center. Next, tie a long piece of thin line to the center rebar, extended so that you can wrap it around a spray can (any bright color will do) making sure that the tip of the spray is about 4 feet away from the center. Keep the tension on the can as you start walking around in a circle spraying. The four rebars will help you as reference points as you continue to spray. You now have the circle defined so you can start clearing it with your scrapper. Remove the four rebars but leave the center one in place.

Step TWO: Start leveling the ground by using a stomper (available at Home Depot). Water the ground with a light spray to help compact the dirt. Next, start spreading the Paver base (see product photo) over the entire area to start creating the base for the pit. Wet the gravel and continue to stomp. Use a long level to make sure the entire area is leveled (see photo). Next, add the leveling sand (see product photo) over the gravel to cover only the area where the stones will be placed. The pit itself has a diameter of 4 feet. Continue to use the stomper to make sure that the area where the pit stones will be placed is leveled. Leveling is the critical step before you start to place the stones.

STEP THREE: Measure 2 feet from the center rebar and hammer another rebar into the ground as marker. Place your first stone so that the outer part of the stone touches the rebar. These stones come in three different colors ( I chose natural) and are made with the angles already determined. Twelve of these stones will give you a perfect circle that it's 48" in diameter. Each costs $1.98 at Home Depot. Position the next stone so that it meets the other one and continue until you complete the circle and the first level of the stones. TIP: I left an opening in the first level of about 1.5" to allow air draft or to blow air to help start the fire. TIP #2: Do a level check to make sure that your first level of stones is leveled all around (see photo). You will need a total of 48 stones to complete the pit.

STEP FOUR: Continue to place stones until you complete all four levels. Make sure that you are alternating them as you see in the photos.

STEP FIVE: Begin to create your outer stone ring. In my case, I chose to use terra sine stones but you can chose the stone/s of your choice. The length of the stone determines the number of stones you will need to complete each of the rings.

STEP SIX: Position one of the ring stones so that it's centered between the pit stone and the outer ring stone. Start to create the inner ring circle.

STEP 7: Add the small river rocks so that it fills the spaces between the stones.

STEP 8: Wet and wash the stones with water to remove all dust. Carefully use the stomper to compact the river stones to level with the ring stones.

STEP 9: remove the center rebar and add a full bag of the small river rocks inside the pit to create the fire pit base. Again, wet and clean the stones and use the stomper to compact them.

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: 48 stones as seen in this project. Seven 50 lb bags of paver base and three 50 lb bags of leveling sand. Five bags of small river rocks. See photos for details.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You now have an amazing fire pit that will be the envy of the neighborhood. Let's get ready for step ten.

STEP 10: Making the rotisserie kit. Let's start by using 1/4" masonry drill bit and drill a hole about 3/4" deep at opposite ends. This is where each of the rod holders will go. (see photo). Now let's make the rod holders and the rod/handle. Get a 1.125 wood dowel long enough to cut two 2" pieces, one foot piece and another one 3.5" for the handle. You will two 2 1/4" by 3 1/2" Lag screws, eight 3/8" Cut Washers and two small U bolts. Drill a hole on one side of the 2" piece enough for the lag screw to go in securely. But first, YOU MUST CUT THE BOTTOM OF IT so that you only have 3/8" of thread. Insert into hole until all you see is the shaft and head. Once in place, secure the dowel and saw off the head. This is what will be going into the hole in the stone you just made.

STEP 11: Building the rotisserie rod holders. Use the RapidFuse glue to glue two washers together. It bonds almost immediately so make sure you positioning them perfectly. Make two of these. Next, cut off both of the threads from each of the U bolts so all you have is a clean "U". Now you are going to center the U on the washer by adding enough RapidFuse glue to hold it in place. Once it hardens it will be secured enough that you will then add RapidFuse glue at the bottom of the washer and position it on the top side of the rod holder. Be sure you place it just right, you only get one chance to be centered. Now you are ready to mix the epoxy and apply it all around the "U" so that it fills the space created inside the washers and also covers the sides of the U bolt. (See photos).

STEP 12: Use a 3/8" drill to create a hole in the center of the 1 foot crank. Purchase a four foot 3/8" steel rod that will serve as your rotisserie meat holder. Use an angle grinder with a sanding wheel and create a sharp point at the end of one of the ends.

STEP 13: Glue two washers together the same way and place at one end of the 3.5" handle using the RapidFuse glue.

STEP 14: Insert the 3/8" steel rod through the center hole of the crank. Add some of the epoxy inside the hole before inserting the rod so that it will create a secure hold (see photo). Let it come out enough to insert one washer to be glued to the wood. Insert another washer at the opposite end of the hole and glue them both with RapidFuse first. Once it hardens enough, mix a good amount of epoxy and apply all around the washers to create a very strong hold.

STEP 15: Adding the handle to the crank. Once the crank is glued to the steel rod, add some RapidFuse to the end with the washer and position it on the crank. Once it harden, prepare epoxy mix and apply all around the area where the two pieces come together to create another hard bond.

STEP 16: Coat all the wood pieces with polyurethane for protection and to add a nice, finished look.

STEP 17: Adding the firewood grate. I purchased mine from Very well made. Measures 28.5" in diameter and fits the inside area of the pit perfectly. Next, after much research and looking around, I decided to go with the 36" round grill from Again, very well made and a good price with an added 10% discount. There are a lot of options so check the reviews to make sure you're not disappointed.

STEP 18: creating a table top to use during times you are not using the pit for fire or cooking. I found a discarded glass top from a neighbor's patio table and I'm now using it not only as a cover but as a table top to use. The center hole works perfect in that I'm now able to use the patio umbrella and just hang around the newly created pit.

STEP 19: ENJOY YOUR AMAZING 48" FIRE PIT IN MORE THAN ONE WAY. I have included enough photos to help you visualize and guide you in the process; including the one showing the five ways you can enjoy this stone fire pit. Next project will be the deck and surrounding area I will build around it. Stay tuned...


I have provided the supplies needed in the description of the project as well as photos for reference.