Multi Purpose Working Stand

I need a helping hand and I did make some before, I modify it and finally I make this complex.
I would like to claim that I only need to clip small electronic components, so, this helping hand is good enough for me.
This complex contain various components that published before, if u are interested, u can search back some of my ibles.
+++++ Lighting +++++++++++++++
First, I would explain the lighting, the "black octopus-like clip" is taken from my broken fish tank light.
I got a piece of universal plate (TAMAYA plastic model), two 1W High power LED, LED driver, 9V battery and a switch to make the lamp.
I also attach a short PVC pipe at the plate which allow the plate connect the clip (can rotate).
Moreover, there is small metal binder clip which can hold a magnifying glass (the angle is adjustable)
Solder Wire

+++++ Solder wire +++++++++++++++
As the base of helping hand, it should be a little bit heavy. Otherwise, it will move or even fall down when clipping somethings. I found some poor quality "LEGO-like" brick which make serve this purpose.
I got a small wooden spool and winding solder wire, cut and inert a disposable chopstick to the wooden spool as a support, using brick to make the holder and maybe u need to drill a small hole...
PVC Holder

+++++ PVC holder +++++++++++++++
I drill the brick and screw up a short piece of PVC pipe for holding clips, cutter....
To prevent it moving, I secure the PVC pipe with nylon nut.
I also drill some brick and stack it together as screw-driver, forcep holder.
Soldering Paste

++++++ Soldering paste +++++
Maybe u are interested what it is.
I melt some soldering paste and suck it into a syringe for soldering.
Small Place for Gadgets

I also using some brick to make a small storage place for my gadgets.
Helping Hand

I publish similar things before, this helping hand is made from broken umbrella, clips, PVC pipes.
This time, I use screw and spring to make it tough but also an ability to rotate....
The last photo include a small PVC ring with a hole perfectly for LED soldering....
Installing the Lighting

The lighting is heavy and u may want to glue some bricks for secure structure.
I inset two popsicles to make the clip more tight but also server as an arm for holding the helping hand.
Bricks Features

U can glue the whole stand as u like but it is interesting and useful if u can let some pieces movable.
It is interesting, useful especially for child....