Miniature Doll House

I made a Miniature one bed room doll house for my daughter to use with her mini dolls.

- Wood Squares (6x6x.25in)
- Decorative paper
- Wood Glue (glue stick)
- Glue Gun
- Box cutter

Step 1: Take one piece of 6x6x.25in piece of wood and your choice of decorative paper. Place the wood on paper to measure wallpaper, trim off excess paper. * This is the First wall of the miniature house.

Step 2: Measure wallpaper for the second piece of wood, trim off excess paper as done in step 1. * This will be the second wall.
Step 3: measure wallpaper for your last piece of wood and repeat steps 1 and 2. ** This third piece will be the floor.

Step 4: Spread glue on one piece of wood and then place the decorative paper on top, be sure to properly align to wood. Press down firmly on paper and smooth out paper while applying to wood to avoid wrinkling. *Repeat this step for the remaining two pieces of wood (the second wall and the floor).
You should now have all 3 pieces of wood covered in paper, it may help to label them.

STEP 5: Glue Wall 1 to Floor piece. Put the glue on the bottom of wood from end to end as shown in the picture below.

Step 6: Glue your second wall to the right of the first wall, putting the glue at the bottom of wall 2 from end to end as well as on the side where the walls will connect. Hold walls in place until stable. Clean off any excess glue. HAVE FUN DECORATING!