Mini Smoker

I want to show you this little project that I did a few months ago. It is a miniature version of a grill-smoker.
I didn't have a clear design at the beginning, it was really improvised, and I was building it with scrap metal that I was finding at home. I did it mainly as a decoration, but even if it is a miniature version it works the same, so if I need to smoke two sausages, I can do it hehe.
My Supplies

This grill-smoker has two main parts, the fireplace and the grill area.
Use mainly two old fire extinguishers and two copper elbows to guide the smoke. The fireplace is separated from the base with the metal structure of an old speaker magnet. The metal mesh that goes in the chimney was obtained from the box of an old pc power supply.
I used thin rods for the grill part. I made most of the joints with screws, nuts and hinges, for the joints of the elbows I used tin. Many of the smaller pieces I got from a damaged typewriter.
Now I will explain how I did each part :)
The First Extinguisher

To do this part I used a complete extinguisher.
For the lid cut one half as in the picture, to get a lid like a chest. Before cutting the entire piece, it is recommended to mark and make all the holes to place the hinges, in this way everything will fit correctly when we assemble it.
The Grate

To make the grate I used several thin rods (welding electrodes)
In the fire extinguisher I made holes where the rods would go. To keep them in place, I hit both ends with a hammer to flatten it a bit, like a rivet.
The Copper Elbows

For the smallest elbow I made a hole in one side of the extinguisher. I placed my elbows trying to make them tight and then I welded them with some tin.
The Lid

From the other fire extinguisher I took out the two curved strips. These are necessary for the lid to fit well to the rest of the body. I placed one at each end and mark where to make the holes to join them.

Here I joined everything with screws and nuts, I used 5 on each side.

Now I placed the lid with the rest of the body, with the holes made previously it is easier to place it and everything fits properly.
The Fireplace

Here the process is almost the same, this time I cut the fire extinguisher in about a third, then I made another cut to make the door. In the back I cut a piece in a rectangular shape, this will serve to enter oxygen and this is where we will place the metal mesh.
*I used the little screw in the 2nd picture as a small knob.
*I put the pipe on the extinguisher top to later join it with the copper elbow.
Fireplace Base

I removed the magnet from the metal structure of the speaker and adapted it to attach it to the fireplace.
The Mesh

I simply cut a rectangle with the shape that I cut in the other part and gave it a curved shape, leaving a space to join it with screws.
Join Again

With all these pieces ready I began to join them
Door Hinge

As in the other lid I place the hinges so that everything fits properly.
I also added the small knob and that kind of lever that is seen in the image, I put it to keep the door closed.
Join the Mesh

I placed the mesh inside the fireplace and attached it using 4 bolts, one in each corner.
Fireplace Completed


These rods I also obtained from the damaged typewriter, they were useful because at one end they had screw thread, so I could more easily attach them to the rest of the body, although I could also weld them using tin.
Small Details

As an extra detail i add a rain cover and a lock for the lid.
Add a Base

To finish I placed a wooden base to join everything.

And that's it, I think it works quite well for its size. And I especially like how it looks, it reminds me of a rat rod car.
I hope you liked it.