Mini Marshmallow Launcher

You can use your mini marshmallow Launcher to...
shoot mini marshmallows into your mouth, shoot at friends or just have a marshmallow fight!
shoot mini marshmallows into your mouth, shoot at friends or just have a marshmallow fight!
You will need cardboard tube, tape, small rubber bands,
3 toothpicks and scissors.
3 toothpicks and scissors.
Making the Shell

Get a cardboard tube and cut it down the middle, then cut off about two inches of the bottom you should have a long strip of cardboard. Fold it in half an cut it in half and cut it, then roll it up and tape it
Make Insert

Use the other side of the card board that you cut and cut it in half and make a smaller tube to go inside the bigger one and make sure a mini marshmallow can’t fit in the small one. Poke a hole with the toothpick near the bottom of the small one ( you can use scissors to make a small hole)

On the bigger tube cut a 2 slits small on either side then put the rubber bands in the slits and tape around the top so the rubber bands will not fall out. ( double up the rubber bands to make it stronger

Put the small part in the big part and attach the 2 rubber bands, put the marshmallow in and have a blast