Mini Lego Flashdrive

This Instruct-able will teach you how to turn your average flash drive into a new fun LEGO version. I did this project myself about 4 years ago and it was my first mod. I have included a download to the original project power point.
Stuff needed:
- A USB flash drive (PNY brand work great, they are easy to tear-down and usually smaller than San disk)
- 2 tall 2x2 LEGO bricks (just your normal bricks, your USB may require a larger brick, 2x2 were what I used)
- 2 flat 2x2 LEGO bricks (You can substitute one of these for a flat piece too, see pic)
- Dremel or equivalent carving tool (you have to cut through the bricks plastic to allow room for the USB)
- Sealant (anything from glue to silicon, I used the as seen on TV product "mighty putty")
To start off you need to deconstruct the plastic housing of your USB. Many of the new USB's snap together and can be separated with a little work. Use caution not to damage the USB's internal workings.
Make Room
Take your USB and mark a window on both tall bricks to remove. You will also need to remove the center column in the bricks.
Place your USB into one of the 2 tall bricks and secure it with glue, or just the sealant. Snap the base plate/flat brick to the bottom of the flash drive. Snap the remaining flat piece to the second brick, this is your lid.
You now have your very own LEGO flash drive!!! For more information, or pictures you can download the power point if needed.