Milky Rubik's Snake

Rubik's Snake is a famous puzzle. It is not at all difficult to make it yourself. You don't need precision tools or purchased material. You probably already have everything you need.
This is a craft made from paper milk cartons. No glue is used when making.
Liter packs with a cross section of 7x7 cm:
- 12 blue packs (you can choose another color)
- 12 green packs (сolor can also be chosen by other)
Packs with a plastic neck (you can take liter or half liter):
- 46 packs (neck diameter approx. 36 mm).
Collection of Material

All you need is colorful paper milk cartons, as well as packs with plastic necks.
Make a Stencil "Basis"

Print the basis stencil (see basis.pdf). Stick it on thick paper. Cut along solid lines. Fold along the dotted lines. Align the opposite edges of the stencil. Glue them together with sticky tape.
Make a Stencil "Cover"

Print the cover stencil (see cover.pdf). Stick it on thick paper. Cut along solid lines. Fold along the dotted lines. Align the opposite edges of the stencil. Glue them together with sticky tape.
Make the Part "Cover"

Slide the stencil over the package. Contour the stencil. Remove the stencil. Draw the cut lines if necessary. Cut the part along the marked lines. Mark the fold lines. Fold the flaps.
Making More Covers

For the craft, you need 12 covers of one color and 12 covers of a different color.
Make the Pivot Pin

The stencil of this detail is very simple. It should provide an outer diameter of the part of 66-68 mm.
Make a Washer

At the beginning, repeat the previous step. Then unscrew the cap and remove the ring. Cut off the threaded neck all the way to the base.
Make the Part "Basis"

This part is made in a similar way as the cover part.
Let's Start Assembling

Let's practice on two elements.
Make a Swivel Joint

Slide the basis parts onto the pivot pin. Place the washer on top and screw on the cap.
Сomplete the Blue Element

Insert the sloped flaps of one side into the pockets of the basis part. Bend the straight flaps inward by tucking them under the washers. Insert the sloped flaps on the opposite side into the corresponding pockets (pre-cut the corners on these flaps).
Сomplete the Green Element

The assembly is similar.
Check the Functionality of the Swivel Joint

Let's Not Stop There!

Continue attaching elements to each other. There should be 24 elements (12 elements in blue and 12 elements in green).
Feel the size of this craft!
It's Time to Play!

The ball is a classic figurine and the airplane is my favorite figurine.