D4E1 WOESH Metrojuggle (Compact)
by GauravSaha in Outside > Sports
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D4E1 WOESH Metrojuggle (Compact)

The swing is a circus instrument accessible to all, for people with and without disabilities. The games are adapted to the user's needs and desires. Meanwhile, it tests motor skills, lateralisation of the hand and social contact. An open design (materials that can be found everywhere) is used. The construction is ergonomic so that users can function as optimally as possible. The pdf attached to this project has a lot more detailed instructions regarding the assembly and construction, please refer to that for a much clearer understanding.
Laser Cutter Machine
Hot Wire Strip
Screw Driver
Riveter, Sand Paper
Wooden Pole: 500 mm
PlyWood 12mm: 600 x 450 mm
PVC Pipes: Diameter 50 mm - Length 1 meter
PVC Pipes: Diameter 40mm - Length 1 meter
PVC Pipe Connector (50 x 50)
PVC Pipe Converter (40 mm --> 50mm)
Elastic: 450 mm
Eye hook screws
Rivets 3mm
Abs: 2mm
Matt (padding)
Technical Drawings
In the attachment you will find all the technical drawings for the non-standard parts.
Adobe Illustrator Files for Laser Cutting
Before moving on to making the Metrojuggle all multiplex parts needed must be cut using the laser cutting machine. The files needed for the laser cutting are attached below.
DXF Files
Assembling the Poles

We will first start by assembling the poles together.
Poles Assembly

For ease of understanding we have color coded the pole on the left as white and the pole on the right as green. Each pole is divided into four parts, Base pole, Pole 1, Pole 2 and Pole 3.

Grab Pole No.1 of the same color as the base pole color
Make sure the side with the color strip is facing down.
- Press the Locking tab inward with your thumb and press the pole inside the base pole.
- Twist the pipe from left and right until the plastic locking tab pops out of the hole.
Then grab Pole No.2 and repeate the steps.
Then grab Pole No.3 and repeate the steps.

Press the Locking tab inward with your thumb and press the pole inside the base pole.

Twist the pipe from left and right until the Locking tab pops out of the hole.

Grab Pole No.2 of the same color. Make sure the side with the color strip is facing down.

- Press the Locking tab inward with your thumb and press the pole inside pole No.1.
- Twist the pipe from left and right until the Locking tab pops out of the hole.

Grab Pole No.3 of the same color.
Make sure the side with the color strip is facing down.

- Press the Locking tab inward with your thumb and press the pole inside pole No.2.
- Twist the pipe from left and right until the Locking tab pops out of the hole.

Repeat the steps for the other color pole on the right side.
Box Assembly

After the poles are assembled we move on to the assembly of the Box.

Unhook both Carabiners and Side panels folds open

Press in both locking beams on each side panels. Make sure they're fully slid in.
Fully Assembled

The entire assembly should be fully assembled for two players.
Single Player

For Single Player, tilt the pole to expose the hook in the bottom .
Lock in the carabiners in the eye of the hook screws under the poles.
The Player should stand on the side where the letters "Single Player" is etched to start playing.

Now we focus on manufacturing the entire thing. We will start by manufacturing one of the poles

We have color coded the poles and divided each side it into four parts each. Base pole, Pole 1, Pole 2 and Pole 3. We will start by making the Base pole first.
Base Pole

Take the standard 50mm 100 cm long PVC pipe and mark a spot at 38.5 cm from one end
Base Pole

Drill a Hole of 41cm diameter all the way through using the center as the marked spot in the previous step.(don't forget to sand the edges of a smoother movement).

Measure a length of 45cm from the same end you measured the length for the hole and cut it at that spot.

Place a Standard 50mm to 50mm connector on the side towards the hole and secure it by screwing two screws on the sides.

Measure the distance inside from the open end of the connector to the small plastic extrusion that stops the pipes. Mark a 20mm line at the same distance on the outside (make sure it's in between the holes going through the pole).

Make another line at a distance of 5mm (Make sure the new line is towards the open end and not towards the pole side)

Using a Dremel Cut out the rectangle you just made.

Put the 2KG weight through the bottom end of the pole and lock the weight by putting the weight locking assembly inside the open end and securing it using 4 screws. The weight locking structure is made screwing a 47mm circle to a square piece using two screws. A small screwable ring is added in the bottom on the other side on the center.(All Parts are included in the Part files)
Plastic Strip

Before we start making the rest of the pole we have to make six plastic clips that go into both the poles (3 in each).

Take a 3mm thick plastic sheet and cut it into strips that are 15mm wide and 70mm long.
Make two markings at 5mm and at 15mm

Make the first bend of 40 degrees at the 5mm marks
Make the second bend of 90 degrees at the distance of 15mm.

Snip off the edges of the bent portion.

Repeat the steps until you have 6 clips. We can trim the length of the portion that pops out later in assembly for perfect fit
Pole No.1

Now we move on to making Pole No.1.

Take the standard 50mm diameter PVC pipe and mark and cut it at 52cm distance

On one end mark two lines at 20mm and one line 5mm from the edge. cut out the rectangle using a Dremel.

Mark a spot 40mm from the edge and make sure it's in center of the notch we made in the previous step. Now drill a hole of 3mm in that spot.

Place one of the plastic tabs inside the pipe such that the portion that is bent is popping out of the notch in the pipe (make sure the plastic tab doesn't extrude beyond the edge of the pipe and is flush with the end).
Holding the plastic tab in place drill through the tab using the same hole you drilled earlier. Finally put a rivet through the hole and rivet the plastic tab with the pipe.

Place a Standard 50mm to 50mm connector on the other side and secure it by screwing two screws on the sides.

Measure the distance from the open end of the connector to the small plastic extrusion that stops the pipes. Mark a 20mm line at the same distance on the outside (make sure it's in between the holes going through the pole).

Make another line at a distance of 5mm (Make sure the new line is towards the open end and not towards the pole side)

Using a Dremel Cut out the rectangle you just made.
Pole No.2

Now we move on to making Pole No.2.

Take the standard 50mm inside diameter PVC pipe and mark and cut it at 55cm distance

On BOTH ends mark two lines at 20mm and one line 5mm from the edge. cut out the rectangle using a Dremel.

Now you should have two notches on both ends of the pipe.

Mark a spot 40mm from the edge on Both sides and make sure it's in center of the notch we made in the previous step. Now drill a hole of 3mm in that spot.

Place one of the plastic tabs inside the pipe such that the portion that is bent is popping out of the notch in the pipe (make sure the plastic tab doesn't extrude beyond the edge of the pipe and is flush with the end).
Holding the plastic tab in place drill through the tab using the same hole you drilled earlier. Finally put a rivet through the hole and rivet the plastic tab with the pipe. Repeat the same step on the other side.
Pole No.3

Finally, we move on to making Pole No.3.

Take the standard 40mm (SMALLER PIPE) inside diameter PVC pipe and mark and cut it at 51cm distance

Place a expanding connector that fits on the 40mm diameter pipe and expands it to 50mm.

Now it will be possible to place the 50mm-to-50mm connecter on that end.

Secure everything by drilling two holes on both ends and putting a screw through it.

Measure the distance from the open end of the connector to the small plastic extrusion that stops the pipes. Mark a 20mm line at the same distance on the outside (make sure it's in between the holes going through the pole).

Make another line at a distance of 5mm (Make sure the new line is towards the open end and not towards the pole side)

Using a Dremel Cut out the rectangle you just made.

Wrap the exposed PVC pipe side with a soft material for improved safety.

Now we move on to making the box that holds everything. This will require the laser cut part we made in the very start.

Step 1
- Put the side plates against the baseplate as picutureabove.
- Pre- drill the marks on the sideplate and extend the drilled hole to the baseplate.
- Attach the sideplates to the baseplate using the pre- drilled holes with 4 screws per side.

Step 2
- Put the normal closing frame and the single player closing frame against the baseplate as pictured below
- Lay four hinges centered in between the baseplate and the closing frames, 9cm away from the edge of the closing frame
- Pre- drill screw holes for the hinge and put all the screws at the wright locations.

Step 3
- Put the sideplates against the baseplate as picuted below.
- Pre- drill the marks on the sideplate and extend the drilled hole to the baseplate.
- Attach the sideplates to the baseplate using the pre- drilled holes with 4 screws per side.

Step 4
- Pre- drill the marks on the single player closing frame
- Screw the screw hooks into the designated holes
- Make sure to not make the screw hooks poke out the other side
Central Axles

Now we will make the central axles on which the poles rotates.

Predrill (2mm) hole through the guide points on Side panel

Screw in Mounting Disc on the side panels using two (m4 x 20) screws.

Drill 2mm guiding hole in both end of the wooden pole

Press fit wooden spacers on each end of the wooden pole

slide in the wooden pole, with the spacers, inside the PVC base pole

Slide in both PVC base poles on the PVC pipe Axle

Lock in the PVC pipe in between the two Mounting Discs

Screw in two (m4x 80) screws on each side of the side panels through the guiding holes.
Make sure to screw them on both sides at the same time in order to prevent the wooden pole to rotate inside the PVC pipe axle

Tie an elastic to the eyes of the hooks attached to the doors and the attach a Carbiener on the other end.

Have Fun.