Meshmixer: Dog Monk

As I was browsing TurboSquid, I wasn't sure which two objects I wanted to use. I decided to go with the flow, and I eventually ended up with a dog model and a monk model.
Link to Dog Model: Author- mayurarora5523.
Link to Monk Model: Author- DDbiology2010.
Editing the Models

Honestly speaking, I was first going to combine a Mandalorian helmet with the dog model, but I couldn't make the helmet solid. The problem was it was made to be hollow, and there are too many holes in it. I tried to combine a plane with the helmet, but it doesn't look so neat. If I want to make solid to the helmet, I will also lose many details of it, and it looks weird.
So, I decided to find the right model.
Find the Right Model

This Monk Model is perfect.
Get the Dog Head

Select the dog body, Erase&Fill, and fix the bulge to the right amount. But, I wasn't satisfied with the accuracy of the neck. I guess it was because the selection wasn't accurate enough.
Redo the Selection

This time, after I did a rough selection, I also manually selected the area which wasn't included. Now the head part looks much better. I can use it.
Get the Monk Body

After I got the head, I need to have the body as well. Same steps, make a rough selection, then manually fix the selected area to be more accurate. At the end of this step, I also need to set the bulge to the proper amount. After all of that, they are ready to combine.
Combine the Head and the Body

To make the final model looks reasonable, I also had to set the scales of the body and the head to the proper amount. Then, Put them together --> Boolean Union --> Finished.
Final Look

Done, fell the holiness.